7 situations when the “automatic” box needs to be switched to manual mode
Useful tips for motorists

7 situations when the “automatic” box needs to be switched to manual mode

The automatic transmission is one of the best inventions of mankind in general and the auto industry in particular. Its appearance on modern cars has increased the comfort of vehicles, made it easier for drivers living in cities with heavy traffic, and also made it possible to implement a whole list of options, including security systems. What is manual mode for?

Yes, it was not in vain that the engineers left the ability to switch in manual mode for the “automatic machines”. And it turns out that many motorists do not even know why. Meanwhile, situations where an automatic transmission, like air, needs a manual shift mode, arise on the roads every day.

During high-speed overtaking

For example, a manual shift mode is needed in order to make high-speed overtaking on the track faster. We assessed the situation ahead, dropped a couple of gears down and your car is ready to overtake - the engine speed is in the maximum operating range, the torque is more than enough, and the gas pedal is sensitive to the slightest touch. And no second pauses of the “machine” for you to think.

When you leave the secondary road

Sometimes, leaving a secondary road on a busy highway, it is extremely necessary to make this maneuver very quickly. And the delay at the start (even from a stop, even when you drive up to the intersection on foot) can be critical. In this situation, the manual gearshift mode will also help to wedge into a small gap between the cars going in an endless stream.

7 situations when the “automatic” box needs to be switched to manual mode

When driving on difficult road surfaces

“Automatic” is a bonded unit, whose work algorithms are calculated by electronics. And when driving on sand, snow or when descending a mountain, she can play a cruel joke with the driver by choosing the wrong gear or even switching it at the most inopportune moment. The manual transmission mode allows you to limit the box from unnecessary shifts at the moment and keep the engine in the operating speed range so that the driver can drive on difficult soils or surfaces on even gas and not dig in.

On ice

Black ice is also a companion of the manual mode of the automatic transmission. Getting under way with slipping in first gear uphill on non-studded tires is still a pleasure. But switching to manual mode, and choosing second gear, the task is facilitated at times. The car gently moves off and then easily climbs up the hill. In some transmissions, there is even a special button with a snowflake for this, by pressing which the driver instructs the “machine” to exclude starting from first gear.

7 situations when the “automatic” box needs to be switched to manual mode

Protracted climbs

Long climbs, especially when a line of trucks is ahead, is also a test for motorists and equipment. Working in automatic mode, the box can get confused and jump from gear to gear, in search of optimal working conditions. As a result, the engine rumbles loudly, then loses traction at the wrong moment. But in manual mode, all this can be easily avoided - I chose the right gear, and roll myself, having a supply of traction under the gas pedal.

Traffic jams

Traffic jams either move, then stop, then start moving again, allowing you to accelerate a little. In such a ragged mode, the “automatic” also works raggedly, switching from first to second gear when it’s time to slow down. As a result, increased wear of the unit and not a comfortable ride. Therefore, by choosing the first or second gear and fixing it in manual mode, you not only save yourself from unnecessary twitching, but also the transmission from premature wear.

For lovers of sports driving

And, of course, the manual gearshift mode in the "automatic" is needed for those who like to ride with the breeze. When approaching a tight corner, sports car drivers tend to downshift, loading the car's front end and revving the engine up to get maximum traction and power out of the corner. And this rule, by the way, nothing prevents to apply in life on a civilian car. Of course, approaching the process wisely.

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