Car alarm: operation, utility and repair

Car alarm: operation, utility and repair

Installing an alarm on your car helps protect against theft. Currently, more and more advanced models with additional functions appear. It does not have to be installed on your car, you can assemble it yourself or call a specialist to the workshop.

🚗 How does a car alarm work?

Car alarm: operation, utility and repair

The car alarm does not work the same depending on the model you choose. All alarms can be activated remoteusing the remote control if you see intruders approaching your vehicle.

Your car alarm consists of three elements:

  1. Alarm center : thanks to this, you can configure the alarm or turn it off if you want;
  2. Remote control : it is the latter that allows remote control of the control panel. In some situations, you may have more than one remote control;
  3. The Little Mermaid : triggered by the slightest attempt to break into or steal your vehicle.

Some alarms are triggered immediately turn off the car ignition and it will be impossible to start it. Others turn it off with a delay, for several minutes after the alarm goes off. Finally, some alarms also allow prevent your car from restarting.

For more advanced models, the alarm is equipped with volume sensors and shock sensors... They will accordingly detect human presence and broken glass. Most modern alarms are wireless and are remote controlled.

Finally, there are many different brands on the market such as alarms. Cobra... Feel free to compare the models before checking out. It should be noted that many motorists use car alarm sticker so that passers-by know that there is an alarm.

🛑 How to turn off the car alarm?

Car alarm: operation, utility and repair

The car alarm can be turned off very easily. This manipulation will take you only a few minutes and does not require no equipment specific. Various operations specific to your alarm clock are available in guide your car.

However, here are 3 methods that might work for your alarm model:

  • Start off : If the alarm goes off, you will need to open the driver's side door and turn on the ignition. The alarm will be able to detect the inserted key that matches the car key;
  • Remove hidden key : This method is for button keys. Indeed, there is a button on the side of the key ring that needs to be pressed. The hidden key will then be released and you can use it to open your car door. Using this button will automatically reset the alarm;
  • Remove the alarm fuse. : in the fuse box, find the one that is responsible for the car alarm using the fuse diagram. Then remove it and the alarm will be completely disabled.

⚠️ Why does the car alarm work itself?

Car alarm: operation, utility and repair

The quiet operation of car alarms can be annoying, especially if they are very frequent. If your car alarm goes off on its own, it could be the cause of several faulty items, such as:

  • Increased sensitivity to movement : Simply touching the vehicle can trigger the alarm. In addition, it can also be caused by the presence of flying insects in the vehicle interior;
  • Electrical short circuits : they may be present at the level of the wires connecting the alarm system to the vehicle's on-board network;
  • Bad fuse : The fuse responsible for the car alarm is damaged and causes these accidental operations.

🔎 Why does the car alarm go off all night?

Car alarm: operation, utility and repair

The car alarm can sound all night for the reasons listed above when the alarm goes off on its own. However, other factors may be involved if he rings continuously throughout the night.

Indeed, if there is no car alarm not original or what she not compatible with your car model, it may work unexpectedly both at night and during the day. In this case, you should go to a garage or car dealership to be examined by automotive experts.

A car alarm is a device that can be especially effective against theft and broken glass. However, it is important to know how it works so that you can turn it off in the event of a persistent trigger that bothers you and those around you. If you are looking for a garage near your home and at the best price to set an alarm, feel free to use our online comparator!

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