Security Systems
Safety and comfort with car voice assistant
Internal voice assistants are still waiting for their wide breakthrough. Especially in the UK, where people are still completely unfamiliar with the somewhat creepy box that is supposed to grant all wishes when summoned. However, voice control in cars has a long tradition. Long before there were Alexa, Siri, and OK Google, car drivers could at least initiate calls with a voice command. This is why voice assistants in cars are in much greater demand today. Recent updates in this area bring it to a new level of convenience, versatility and security. Features of the operation of modern voice assistants in cars A voice assistant in a car is primarily a security tool. With voice control, your hands remain on the steering wheel and your eyes remain focused on the road. If…
How to deal with running on ice?
How to drive safely on icy roads? This is a particularly pressing issue in areas where winter can bring surprises such as January rain and frost the next day. In this review, we will look at several proven ways to avoid skidding your car and what to do if this happens. They may seem trivial, but they really work and can save you from skidding. Rule one First of all, it is worth investing in high-quality winter tires - which from a practical point of view is much more important than investing in the most expensive smartphone on the market. Winter tires are specially designed so that their treads grip better on unstable surfaces at sub-zero temperatures. Read about how to choose winter tires here. Rule two The second way…
Types, device and principle of operation of car airbags
One of the main elements of protection for the driver and passengers in the car are airbags (Airbag). Opening at the moment of impact, they protect a person from a collision with the steering wheel, dashboard, front seat, side pillars and other parts of the body and interior. Since the introduction of airbags into cars, they have been able to save the lives of many people involved in an accident. History of creation The first prototypes of modern airbags appeared in 1941, but the war disrupted the plans of engineers. Experts returned to the development of airbag after the end of hostilities. Interestingly, two engineers who worked on different continents separately from each other were involved in the creation of the first airbags. So, on August 18, 1953, the American John ...
And the FBI advises wrapping the key in foil
Do you always need to keep your car key in a metal foil protective case? Many are sure that this is another bike, the purpose of which is the generation of Internet traffic. But this time, the advice comes from former FBI agent Holly Hubert. His words are quoted in the respected edition of USA Today. Why is key protection needed? Hubert, an expert on electronic theft, recommends such a protective measure for owners of new cars with keyless entry. Such systems are very easy for car thieves to hack. All they have to do is intercept and copy the signal from your key. Thanks to special amplifiers, they don’t even need to approach you - they can do it at a decent distance, for example, while you are sitting in ...
How to disable ESP if there is no corresponding button?
The task of ESP is to help the driver to keep the car when making a turn at high speed. However, to increase off-road capability, it is sometimes necessary to disable the slip lock. In this case, the road surface, off-road capabilities of the car and the ability to deactivate ESP play a role. Some cars do not have this button, but the system can be disabled through the menu on the dashboard. Some do not use this function, as it is quite troublesome (especially for those who are not friends with electronics). But some manufacturers have not provided curious car owners with the ability to turn off the slip lock either with a button or through the menu. Is it possible to somehow disable the lock in this case? A bit of theory First, let's remember the theory. How does the ESP system understand how fast...
Why in the summer you should not ride winter tires?
As the outside temperature rises, it’s time to think about replacing your winter tires with summer tires. As every year, it’s a good idea to apply the “seven degree rule” — when the outside temperature rises to around 7°C, you should put on your summer tires. Some drivers haven’t had time to change their tires in time due to the quarantine. Manufacturer Continental points out why it’s important to travel with the right tires even in the warmer months. 1 More safety in summer Summer tires are made from special rubber compounds that are heavier than winter tires. A harder tread profile means less deformation, while winter tires with their soft compounds are particularly susceptible to deformation at high temperatures. Less deformation means better handling and…
The present and future of passive safety systems
One of the main conditions when driving from a vehicle on the road is to minimize the risks in the event of an accident. This is precisely the role of passive safety systems. Now, we will consider what these systems are, which of them are the most common and in what direction the industry is developing in this area. What are passive safety systems? Safety in a car depends on active and passive safety systems. The first are those elements, or technical advances, aimed at preventing accidents. For example, improved brakes or headlights. For their part, passive safety systems are those whose purpose is to minimize the consequences after an accident. The best-known examples are the seat belt or airbag, but there are actually more. Passive safety systems…
Description and principle of operation of the automatic parking system
Parking a car is perhaps the most common maneuver that causes difficulties for drivers, especially inexperienced ones. But not so long ago, an automatic parking system was installed in modern cars, designed to significantly simplify the life of motorists. What is an intelligent automatic parking system An automatic parking system is a complex of sensors and receivers. They scan the area and provide safe parking with or without the driver. Automatic parking can be done either perpendicular or parallel. Volkswagen was the first to develop such a system. In 2006, the innovative Park Assist technology was introduced on the Volkswagen Touran. The system has become a real breakthrough in the automotive industry. The autopilot itself performed parking maneuvers, but the possibilities were limited. After 4 years, engineers were able to improve ...
How much should the tires be inflated in winter?
In this review, we will talk about something so basic that most of us don’t even think about it: tire pressure. Most people’s approach is to inflate their tires well, usually during seasonal changes. The parameter is assessed visually – by tire deformation. Unfortunately, this not only leads to additional costs, but also significantly increases the risk of getting into an accident. Tire contact with the road The behavior of the car, its ability to turn, stop and maintain dynamics even on slippery surfaces depends on this factor. Some believe that slightly deflated tires increase traction. But if it is not inflated properly, the contact surface is significantly reduced. And when we say “correctly”, we are talking about…
How the XNUMX-degree view of a car works
The Surround View System is designed to monitor and view the entire area around the vehicle while driving in difficult areas or maneuvering, for example, when parking. Such auxiliary systems are equipped with a set of sensors and software tools that allow you to receive the necessary information, process it and inform the driver about a potential emergency. Purpose and functions of the all-round view The all-round view system belongs to the active safety of the car. Its main task is to collect visual information around the car with its subsequent display in the form of a circular panorama on a multimedia screen. This allows the driver to better navigate and fully control the situation around the car in difficult traffic conditions or at the time of parking. This significantly reduces the risk of accidents. In the case of translation of the automatic transmission selector ...
What are parking lights in a car for: basic requirements
Not a single car moving on the road can be called safe if it was poorly visible. And regardless of how regularly and efficiently its systems work. Lighting devices are used to mark vehicles on the roads. Consider side lights: why are they needed if every car has a main light? Are there any restrictions in using non-standard backlight? What are marker lights? This is part of the car lighting. According to the traffic rules, each car must be equipped with a small backlight in the front, rear and on each side. A small light bulb is installed in the optics, as well as on the sides (more often in the area of the front fenders, and in the case of trucks - throughout the body). The legislation of all countries obliges all owners to turn on this lighting, ...
New tires against worn out: pros and cons
Do you need new tires or can you get by with used ones? This is a serious expense - from 50 to several hundred dollars, depending on the size and specification. Do you really need to spend that much? The answer is no, if you only drive in sunny weather. The truth is that in ideal conditions, i.e. sunny and dry weather, you will be fine with a worn tire with minimal tread. In some ways, this is even preferable, because the more worn it is, the larger the contact surface - it is no coincidence that Formula 1 uses completely slick tires. The only problem is what is called "climate". In Europe and the CIS countries, there are strict rules regarding the use of rubber ...
A relaxing journey on winter roads
The new Nokian Snowproof P delivers a smooth ride on winter roads The Scandinavian premium car tire maker Nokian Tyres introduces a new Ultra-High Performance (UHP) winter tire for Central and Eastern Europe. The new Nokian Snowproof P is a sporty and modern combination designed to give car drivers peace of mind. It delivers high performance and reliable winter grip – just what you need when quickly changing lanes or driving on rainy country roads. The new Nokian Tyres Alpine Performance Concept ensures first-class safety for everyday driving with improved traction, shorter braking distances, and cornering safety. According to a consumer survey conducted by Nokian Tyres, almost 60% of drivers in Central Europe believe that…
Should I use the parking brake in winter?
One of the most common advice from older motorists is not to use the handbrake in winter. The reason for this is the features of the old generation cables - there were often situations when it froze. But is this advice correct? Factors influencing the answer Experts say that the answer to the question about using the handbrake in winter depends on the case. There is no legal obligation to apply the parking brake, but the vehicle must not roll randomly after parking. Handbrake on a flat surface On a flat surface, it is enough to turn on the gear. If it does not engage, or if for some reason the clutch remains deactivated, the vehicle may roll away on its own. That's why the parking brake is insurance against such a situation. Handbrake on a slope When parking on a slope, apply the handbrake…
Purpose and principle of operation of the belt tensioner and limiter
The use of a seat belt is mandatory for every driver and his passengers. To make the belt design more efficient and convenient, the developers have created devices such as a pretensioner and a limiter. Each performs its own function, but the purpose of their use is the same - to ensure maximum safety for each person in the passenger compartment of a moving car. Belt Pretensioner The seat belt tensioner (or pretensioner) provides a secure fixation of the human body on the seat, and in the event of an accident, preventing the driver or passenger from moving forward relative to the movement of the car. This effect is achieved due to the winding and tighter tightening of the seat belt. Many motorists confuse the pretensioner with a conventional inertial coil, which is also included in the design of seat belts. However, the tensioner has its own scheme of action. Due to the activation of the pretensioner, ...
Are the safest car seats in the back?
Old driving wisdom says that the safest places in a car are in the back, as the most frequent accidents occur in frontal collisions. And one more thing: the right rear seat is the farthest from oncoming traffic and is therefore considered the safest. But statistics show that these assumptions are no longer true. Rear seat safety statistics According to a study by a German independent agency (accident study of insured customers), rear seat injuries in 70% of comparable cases are almost as severe as those in the front seats, and even more severe in 20% of cases. In addition, the proportion of 10% injured passengers in the rear seats may seem small at first glance, but it should be borne in mind that in most car trips of passengers on…