Battery electrolyte and battery performance - top up or not? What should be the electrolyte level? What acid is in the battery?
Machine operation

Battery electrolyte and battery performance - top up or not? What should be the electrolyte level? What acid is in the battery?

Usually, the autumn-winter season shows the performance of batteries in cars. The acid used in car batteries conducts electricity and is essential in a car. However, over time, the electrolyte in the battery decreases in volume and may need to be topped up. Why is this happening? How to make up for the loss? How to regenerate an old battery? Read our article and find out the answers!

What acid is in the battery?

New batteries contain a sulfur solution as an electrolyte. What is battery electrolyte? It is a solution that has the ability to conduct electricity. Its presence inside the car battery is necessary so that it can generate and transmit current of a certain voltage and current. Therefore, for many years of operation, it is worth checking the electrolyte level and topping it up. However, this does not apply to all types of batteries.

How much electrolyte goes into the battery?

Typically, motorcycle batteries come with a battery electrolyte that needs to be filled before the first start. When it comes to power, there are no questions. The electrolyte container is filled to a level corresponding to the size of the battery. It happens, however, that it is not known how much electrolyte should be added to the battery. Quantity should be determined by the exposure level of the tile or by marks.

Battery electrolyte and battery performance - top up or not? What should be the electrolyte level? What acid is in the battery?

Electrolyte for car batteries - how to fill?

Battery electrolyte is never completely filled. Why? When it is charged, the water evaporates and the substance decreases in volume. So if you have the opportunity to add it to the battery, do it in an amount 5 mm above the level of the plates. For this, screw-on targets are used to fill gaps in the solution. Is your battery marked with a minimum and maximum electrolyte level? Use this scale and use distilled water.

Sulfuric acid for a battery? How to fill in the gaps? Always read the battery manufacturer's instructions!

If you want to use the device correctly, follow the manufacturer's instructions. Of course, he included information about what substance is used to make up for the deficiency of electrolyte in batteries. In the vast majority of cases, regenerative lead acid batteries can be charged with distilled/demineralized water. The electrolyte is not used for this purpose.

Battery electrolyte and battery performance - top up or not? What should be the electrolyte level? What acid is in the battery?

Battery acid and refills - why demineralized water?

The electrolyte is inside the battery. The easiest way would be to buy it and pour it inside. This sounds logical, but not recommended. When the electrolyte level drops, the battery plates are exposed, resulting in lead sulfate coating. Adding electrolyte to batteries instead of distilled water will increase the density of the electrolyte above normal. For a fast-discharging device, it is best to restore the battery if it is healthy.

How to regenerate a sulfated car battery?

Battery electrolyte can cause burns to the skin and respiratory tract, so a well-ventilated area is also required. 

What do I need for this? You will need:

  • demineralized water;
  • battery electrolyte;
  • rectifier with adjustable current strength;
  • a battery that can be filled with a solution.
Battery electrolyte and battery performance - top up or not? What should be the electrolyte level? What acid is in the battery?

And how to regenerate the battery at home?

  1. Prepare eye, hand and respiratory protection.
  2. Carefully pour the sulfur solution out of the battery.
  3. Replace the battery electrolyte with distilled water 5mm above the plates.
  4. Connect the charger to the battery daily using a current of less than 4A.
  5. After charging the battery, drain the solution and fill with distilled water.
  6. Reboot as in step 4.
  7. Disconnect the battery, drain the solution and fill in the electrolyte. 
  8. Charge with a little current and you're done.

The density of the electrolyte in the charged device is 1,28 g/cm3, which can be checked with a hydrometer.

Where to buy battery electrolyte - summary

At your disposal are many offers of online stores and stationery stores. When servicing and repairing used batteries, it is better to have more than 1 liter of sulfuric acid. The amount you pay for a 5-liter tank of electrolyte for motorcycle and car batteries should not exceed PLN 30-35. Remember, however, that when adding substances to the sulfuric acid in the battery, ONLY distilled water is used!

Battery electrolyte and battery performance - top up or not? What should be the electrolyte level? What acid is in the battery?

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