How to quickly cool a car heated by the sun
Tips for motorists,  Articles,  Machine operation

How to quickly cool a car heated by the sun

Summer, heat, outdoor parking. It is not hard to guess what will happen to the car interior after a couple of hours of parking in such conditions. Whatever the tinting or body color, the air in the car will get very hot, and with it all the objects inside the car.

Because of this effect, many drivers and their passengers have to sit in a baked cabin. Sometimes this leads to thermal injuries (the metal part was exposed to sunlight, which is why it got hot).

Let's take a look at one simple method that will help make the task of an air conditioner easier.

How to cool the cabin with air conditioning

In hot summers, all air-conditioned drivers always turn on the climate system to cool the interior. However, some people do it wrong. There are car owners who turn on the air conditioner to the maximum and drive with their windows closed.

How to quickly cool a car heated by the sun

For the first few minutes, the climate system is as if it does not work and everyone in the cabin feels terrible discomfort. Then cold air begins to flow from the deflectors. This temperature is safe under normal conditions. But in this case, everyone in the cabin had already sweated a little.

A light breath of cold air is enough - and a cold or even pneumonia is provided. In addition, in the early stages of cooling, the air conditioner experiences an increased load, due to which the generator may not cope with its task, and valuable battery power is consumed (if additional equipment is turned on, for example, music is playing loudly).

To avoid such problems, the air conditioner should be turned on to a minimum and until it begins to cool the air, the windows should be opened. More effect will be from such ventilation while driving.

How to help an air conditioner

There is a very simple trick that almost instantly cools the interior to a tolerable temperature. Here's what you need to do: open the window completely, whatever, then go to the opposite door and open and close it 4-5 times. Do this as you usually open doors, without using force.

How to quickly cool a car heated by the sun

This will remove superheated air from the cab and replace it with normal air, which will greatly facilitate the operation of the air conditioner. At an outside temperature of 30,5 degrees Celsius, the interior can heat up to almost 42оC. After applying this method, the temperature inside the car will become much more bearable - about 33 degrees.

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