How to connect the battery correctly?
Tips for motorists

How to connect the battery correctly?

      In order to install and connect a power source to a car, it is not necessary to contact a service station - this can be done at home or in the garage.

      First, it is worth deciding in which cases you need to remove and connect the battery to the car. Basically, the reasons for withdrawal are as follows:

      1. Replacing the old battery with a new one;
      2. Charging the battery from the mains charger (it is not necessary to disconnect);
      3. It is required to de-energize the on-board network for work (it is not necessary to remove it);
      4. The battery makes it difficult to get to other parts of the machine during repairs.

      In the first case, you can’t do without removing the old battery and connecting a new one. Also, if the battery interferes with the removal of other nodes, nothing can be done, you have to remove it.

      How to remove the battery from the car correctly?

      From the tool you will need a minimum:

      1. for unscrewing the terminals;
      2. to remove the battery mount (may be different depending on your battery mount).

      Attention! When carrying out work, do not forget about safety. Wear insulating gloves. Wear rubber gloves and goggles when handling electrolyte. Just in case, keep baking soda with you to neutralize the acid.

      The process itself is extremely simple and looks like this:

      1. fastening the terminal on the negative terminal and remove it;
      2. Do the same with the positive terminal of the battery;
      3. Then remove the battery holder and remove it.

      I would like to note that you must first remove the negative terminal. Why? If you start with a positive lead and touch the body parts with the key while working, there will be a short circuit.

      There is one more thing for cars with airbags from some manufacturers. It happens that when the ignition is turned off on some machines, the airbag retention system remains active for several more minutes. Therefore, the battery should be removed after 3-5 minutes. Do you have such a system, and how long after turning off the ignition you can remove the battery from the car, you need to clarify in the manual for your car model.

      Many new foreign cars are now appearing on the market, which have a large amount of electronics on board. Very often, a simple disconnection and subsequent connection of the battery to the car causes a malfunction of the on-board computer, security system and other equipment. How to be in such a situation? If you need to charge the battery, then this can be done right on the car. What if you need to change the battery? Then a portable charger will help. Such a device can not only start the engine if the battery is dead, but also provide power to the car's on-board network in the absence of a battery.

      After the battery is removed and all the manipulations have been done with it, it's time to think about how to connect the battery to the car.

      How to properly connect the battery to the car?

      When connecting the battery, it is advisable to adhere to the following rules:

      1. When installing a battery, eye protection is a very important factor. If you accidentally mix up the positive and negative terminals, when heated, the battery may burst, spraying the acid in the case. Latex gloves will protect your hands in case of a leak.
      2. Make sure the ignition and all electronic devices are turned off. A power surge will lead to failure of electrical equipment.
      3. Before installing the battery on the car, you need to clean the terminals with baking soda diluted with water. To do this, use a wire brush to remove corrosion or buildup of dirt and oxide. After cleaning, wipe all areas of possible contamination with a clean cloth.
      4. The positive and negative rod of the battery, as well as the terminals that are on the car, must be lubricated with special grease to prevent corrosion.
      5. It is necessary to check and repair the presence of damage and cracks on the wires suitable for the power source. If necessary, replace the wires using the correct size socket wrench. You need to distribute the wires so that the negative terminal is next to the minus, and the positive one is next to the plus.
      6. When lifting the battery, be extremely careful not to pinch your fingers, as the battery is heavy.

      To connect the power source, you first need to take the positive wire terminal, which comes from the electrical circuits of the machine, and put it on the plus of the battery. It is necessary to loosen the nut on the terminal and make sure that the latter drops to the end.

      After that, using a wrench, it is necessary to tighten the terminal with a nut until it becomes motionless. To check, you need to shake the connection by hand, and tighten it again.

      The negative wire must be installed just like the positive wire. Put on the negative wire with a terminal that fits from the car body and tighten with a wrench.

      If any terminal does not reach the battery, this means that the power source is not in its place. You need to put the battery in place.

      After connecting the two terminals, you need to turn off the alarm and try to start the car. If the car does not start, it is necessary to check the connection on the battery, on the generator, as well as the negative wire so that it is securely attached to the body.

      If after that the car does not start, then either the power source is discharged, or the battery has lost functionality.

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