What are the nutritional supplements for mountain biking?
Construction and maintenance of bicycles

What are the nutritional supplements for mountain biking?

We are wondering, in addition to physical and technical training to improve mountain biking, what else can easily increase the efficiency of the practice.

Nutrition and nutritional supplements are an important part of the equation.

To find out more about nutritional supplements, we did a little research to determine what mountain biking practice can do from the many suggestions on the topic.

In the podcast, we learned about the young French brand Nutri & Co, interested in their approach and the transparency they demonstrate, and asked them to help us synthesize interesting nutritional supplements when you're mountain biking.

Then we talk about nutraceuticals. Nutraceuticals are any food that has a beneficial effect on the body. You can also use the term "drug". Nutraceuticals are found in all foods, regardless of their effect, but they can also be consumed as dietary supplements, powder, tablets, or liquids.

⚠️ This is a file that allows you to determine the properties of certain nutritional supplements that have an infamous effect on athletic well-being. In any case, we are not suggesting that the consumption of dietary supplements is essential. Everyone is different, and if you want to go further and get guidance, consult a nutritionist.

BONUS: We have highlighted Nutri & Co products, with every purchase from the links on this page, they will contribute a small commission to fund UtagawaVTT. Plus, if you take action, you'll be offered a can of organic spirulina starting at € 60 with promo code UTAGAWA

Mountain biker food, macro and micronutrients

For long-distance riding or high-intensity mountain biking, you need to know the nutrients that provide energy and allow you to quickly recover.

Let's divide the topic into two main categories:

  • macronutrients: proteins, carbohydrates and fats
  • trace elements: vitamins, minerals, trace elements and antioxidants

To what extent is consistent, nutritious sports nutrition applicable to mountain bikers?

The practice of mountain biking requires stamina above all else, without overlooking the strength of the muscles or the instantaneous release of strength. Under these conditions, a diet rich in carbohydrates remains the first nutritional principle for mountain bikers. Diet carbohydrates in the form of a paste or isotonic drinks provide energy.

But given that mountain bikers are primarily considered endurance athletes, should protein intake be neglected?

And here food is the key that you need to be able to play. Proteins are the natural physiological building blocks of muscles that provide energy. Science says that endurance athletes achieve good results with 20% protein. Does this figure apply to mountain bikers, whether cycling, hiking, or racing?

Based on this principle, keep in mind that micronutrients also play a critical role in athletic performance, energy, and recovery. Without vitamins and minerals, the absorption of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, as well as recovery after exercise, is impossible.

However, it is not difficult to criticize our diet and its possible disadvantages.

So, can we say that mountain bikers will benefit from taking nutritional supplements, and if so, how and with what nutritional supplements?

What are the nutritional supplements for mountain biking?

What nutritional supplements to choose for mountain biking?

Informed choice of nutritional supplements helps support athletic performance, be it endurance or muscle strength.

With this in mind, we will try to follow a specific sports nutrition logic, paying particular attention to the role of magnesium, multivitamins, omega-3s, vitamin D, ginseng and protein powder. Naturally, this is the question of what is most consistent in terms of metabolism and athletic performance.

This is especially true for magnesium.

Magnesium as an essential mineral for physical performance

Magnesium is an essential mineral for the normal functioning of cell metabolism and energy. It is also important for the nervous system and therefore for neuromuscular work.

Just as calcium ions and acetylcholine cause muscle contraction, magnesium allows muscle fibers to relax.

What are the nutritional supplements for mountain biking?

Role and benefits of magnesium for mountain bikers

When it comes to energy, magnesium has several positive aspects to physical performance, endurance, and muscle strength. Magnesium, which is a key mineral in the nervous system, also helps in the release and maintenance of energy during exercise. At the cellular level, magnesium binds to ATP, a cellular energy molecule. Thus, it reduces the risk of energy loss and helps maintain muscle energy.

Magnesium naturally supports the normal functioning of the nervous system and therefore the muscle response to exercise. In addition, it introduces some aspects that are less known to sport cyclists and mountain bikers. Indeed, this mineral allows for high levels of total testosterone in men.

Magnesium is a regulator of antioxidant functions at the level of the gonads, which produce this hormone. Then the level of free and active testosterone is more favorable. This is also a factor to consider considering the importance of this hormone for strength and maintenance of muscle mass, which is important for the lower body when cycling.

Which foods contain magnesium?

Many foods contain magnesium. This is especially true for chocolate, Brazil nuts, wheat germ, cashews, almonds, and yeast. However, dietary intake of this mineral rarely meets the nutritional needs of adults.

However, while calcium tends to be higher on plates, a magnesium supplement can be helpful in improving the performance of the mountain biker.

How Do I Choose a Magnesium Supplement?

Good quality magnesium supplements are especially rare. This problem is mainly related to its assimilation. Magnesium is bound to a molecule (fatty acid, oxide, chloride, amino acid, etc.) that acts as a carrier in the body. Depending on this molecule, the absorption of the mineral can vary from catastrophic to excellent.

  • In the first case, magnesium oxide is released, which sometimes leads to intestinal upset or diarrhea.
  • In contrast, bisglycinate (Mg + two glycines), malate or glycerophosphate (fatty acid) are particularly well absorbed.


Tonus and stress

What are the nutritional supplements for mountain biking?


Multivitamins are one of the healthiest nutritional supplements for athletes. For mountain biking or cycling in general, this is a supplement that provides a significant amount of micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, trace elements and antioxidants) in a concentrated form in one or two capsules.

What are the nutritional supplements for mountain biking?

The role and benefits of multivitamins

Multivitamins are an important micronutrient base, bringing together things that are difficult to get in one day, even with several meals, in one product.

To the benefits of mountain bikers, multivitamins contain B vitamins, which are involved in the synthesis of muscle energy. Flavin (vitamin B2), niacin (vitamin B3), pyridoxine (B6) or vitamin B12 are essential for optimal energy release over time (endurance and strength). Important minerals such as chromium or zinc are also present. The latter plays several roles very similar to magnesium, especially as an antioxidant, and contributes to the optimal synthesis of active testosterone.

These benefits are complemented by the antioxidant vitamins you need during and after exercise.

Some high quality multivitamins also contain plant-derived antioxidants. This is also a significant plus, especially for recovering from a long hike or grueling competition. Multivitamins are truly one of the indispensable nutritional supplements for cycling, including mountain biking ...

How to choose a vitamin and mineral supplement?

As with magnesium, it is not the amount of nutrients that matters, but their absorption capacity or bioavailability. This criterion is valid for both minerals and vitamins and trace elements. Other criteria, such as, for example, the completeness of the proposed nutrients (all vitamins must be present), the presence of the most important minerals (magnesium, potassium, calcium, etc.), as well as a significant contribution of vitamin antioxidants, minerals. (zinc, selenium) and the balance of micronutrients (calcium / magnesium ratio ...) make the multivitamin a quality multivitamin.


Antioxidant and Immunity

What are the nutritional supplements for mountain biking?

What is omega-3?

Not all dietary fats are created equal.

You are probably familiar with the essential fatty acids Omega 3, Omega 6 and 9. The notation 3, 6, or 9 refers to the molecular structure of the fatty acids. From a health standpoint, these somewhat specific fats must be supplied in a certain balance, with Omega-3s being less common than Omega-6s.

What are the nutritional supplements for mountain biking?

Role and benefits of omega-3

Omega-3 ALA, DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) are fatty acids essential for the synthesis of the nervous system. They remain essential for the maintenance of neurons and the nervous system throughout life.

They also affect cardiovascular health.

What foods contain Omega-3s?

The best sources of Omega-3s are vegetable fats (canola oil, flaxseed oil, walnut oil, etc.) and oily fish (sardines, salmon, tuna, mackerel, etc.). Other foods, such as meat, milk, cheese, or eggs, are less likely to contribute to nutrient intake, but also more often. Of course, Omega-3 fatty acids do not come by themselves, they are accompanied by Omega-6 and 9 (monounsaturated fatty acids).

However, from a health standpoint, Omega-3s must be taken in a more normal way, which is rare.

Let's say that frequent imbalances in our diet exacerbate the problem. Regular consumption of Omega-3 is recommended for the reasons stated above (blood pressure, high cholesterol, etc.). Considering the often too low omega-3 content in the diet, it is advisable for the cyclist to add additional food in the form of a nutritional supplement.

They meet the needs to maintain physical performance and health in the short and long term, the two being closely related.

How Do I Choose an Omega-3 Supplement?

When it comes to assessing the nutritional quality of an Omega 3 dietary supplement. First, the total concentration of Omega 3 fatty acids must be clearly stated, either alone or in relation to other Omega acids. It is also necessary to indicate the level of DHA and EPA, as these are the molecules required for our metabolism. The daily intake of these two fatty acids should be 250 mg EPA and DHA. However, a higher amount may be recommended for athletes, depending on the intensity of the hike or competition. It is also desirable to indicate the absence of heavy metals in the case of omega-3s of marine origin.

Omega 3

Heart and brain

What are the nutritional supplements for mountain biking?

Vitamin D, what is it?

The clichés that mention vitamin D exclusively in connection with calcium binding are especially oversimplified. It is closely related to the normal functioning of many genes and physiological functions closely related to health, strength, and physical performance. Usually, high vitamin D levels in athletes make a marked difference in strength, endurance, and post-workout recovery.

What are the nutritional supplements for mountain biking?

Role and Benefits of Vitamin D

Chronic vitamin D deficiency can be especially problematic for releasing muscle energy and maintaining physical strength. Indeed, recent scientific discoveries have linked vitamin D to the normal synthesis of ATP (a key energy molecule), its processing by phosphocreatine, and hormonal metabolism, in particular testosterone.

For mountain biking, just like any other sport, these criteria determine athletic performance, endurance, or muscle resistance. However, a serious problem arises given that a standard diet, even a cautious one, very rarely provides enough vitamin D. Indeed, vitamin D deficiency is very common and becomes a serious physical disability for athletes. Today, more and more nutritional professionals believe that vitamin D supplementation is a benefit for athletes, whether it be endurance or even higher intensity in competition.

We add that the usual recommended daily values ​​of 2000 IU / day do not correspond to scientifically established reality.

How Do I Choose a Vitamin D Supplement?

For vitamin D, as with other supplements, nutritional quality and absorption are not taken for granted.

Therefore, this fat-soluble vitamin must be taken along with fats to be absorbed. Most manufacturers don't even mention it ... In addition, it must be vitamin D3 (or cholecalciferol) for optimal absorption and effect of this vitamin. Again, this is not always mentioned in descriptions.

Vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) supplements are less readily absorbed due to their lower bioavailability.

Vitamin D

Bones and immunity

What are the nutritional supplements for mountain biking?

What is ginseng?

Ginseng is a root that qualifies as an adaptogenic plant because certain molecules it contains stimulate the body's natural adaptation to effort and physiological or psychological stress.

As part of mountain biking, ginseng is beneficial for improving endurance and recovery from racing or competition. Over time, its adaptogenic properties help maintain and even improve performance.

What are the nutritional supplements for mountain biking?

Role and benefits of ginseng

Studied in the 1940s, the adaptogenic properties of ginseng make it possible to positively adapt to exercise, especially cycling and mountain biking. Like most adaptogens, ginseng has a global and positive effect on the body due to its active elements, ginsenosides and other secondary metabolites. It helps the body return to a state of balance after intense and prolonged exertion. Therefore, it can be very helpful when recovering from long mountain bike rides or intense competitions.

However, ingesting any ginseng is certainly not enough to reap its benefits, especially if its active ingredients are not isolated and concentrated. Therefore, it is preferable to choose a food supplement known for its content of ginsenosides and other active elements.

How to choose a ginseng supplement?

A good quality ginseng supplement can be recognized by its standardized active ingredient and ginsenoside content. A factor equal to or greater than 5% must be respected. On the other hand, there are many types of ginsenosides. Their diversity largely determines the quality and adaptogenic properties of the ginseng offered for consumption. Athletes then need to present an accurate and detailed argument on this matter.


Energy and concentration

What are the nutritional supplements for mountain biking?

Protein powder and cycling

Dairy, animal or vegetable protein powder is renowned for its concentrated nutrients (25 to 30 grams of pure protein per serving). It is one of the three main macronutrients, along with carbohydrates and fats. In fact, they have a structural and energetic role.

What are the nutritional supplements for mountain biking?

The Role and Benefits of Protein for Mountain Bikers

Protein helps maintain muscle mass, which is a determining factor in athletic performance, including for mountain bikers during competitions or long and grueling hikes. Remember that physical and muscle wasting accompanied by an insufficient recovery period is a major barrier to maintaining and improving physiological muscle mass and / or strength. Often high intensity mountain bike racing during competition, long distance or rough terrain is one of the reasons a good protein powder is useful.

The amino acids they provide help maintain muscle protein synthesis on the one hand and provide energy on the other.

Then proteins are converted into glucose, preserving the reserves of carbohydrates and glycogen in our muscles.

Where can you find good sources of protein in your food?

Certain foods such as meat, fish, milk, as well as peas, red lentils, quinoa, or soy are very good sources of protein. First of all, they contain a significant amount of essential amino acids. 9 essential amino acids are directly involved in the synthesis of our own proteins, energy and other metabolic processes associated with athletic performance.

How to Choose a Protein Powder?

A good protein powder contains all 21 amino acids, both essential and non-essential, in a balanced form (called aminogram). The presence of BCAAs (Branched Chain Amino Acids), leucine, glutamine, methionine, lysine and arginine determines, among other criteria, the nutritional value of a protein powder. It should taste good (like chocolate) and be pleasant to drink.

Vegetable and organic protein

Energy and alternative

What are the nutritional supplements for mountain biking?

Food or nutraceutical supplementation has a place that cyclists have yet to take. They are useful for maintaining or improving athletic performance, as well as for maximum energy, for good recovery and for maintaining pedaling strength, you need to check to find what works for you among the supplement set.

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