Which battery to choose for a car?
Tips for motorists

Which battery to choose for a car?

      The battery (battery - battery) is the electrical heart of our cars. Now with the computerization of machines, its role is becoming more significant. However, if you recall the main functions, then there are only three of them:

      1. When the power is off, the power to the electrical circuits needed for the car, for example, the on-board computer, alarm, clock, settings (both the dashboard and even the seats, because they are regulated by electricity on many foreign cars).
      2. Engine starting. The main task - without a battery, you will not start the engine.
      3. Under heavy loads, when the generator cannot cope, the battery is connected and gives up the accumulated energy in it (but this happens extremely rarely), if only the generator is already at its last gasp.

      Which battery to choose for a car?

      When choosing a battery, you should pay attention to the following points:

      1. Production date and storage location. For starters, look at when the battery was made. If the battery has been in storage for a long time (six or more months), you should think carefully before buying it. When the battery is idle, it discharges. In winter, batteries are usually stored in a warehouse, and warehouses are rarely heated. This will also negatively affect the battery charge.
      2. Battery capacity. A common misconception when choosing a battery is that the higher the capacity, the longer it will last. This is not the case, since the alternator in your car produces a certain amount of starting current for the battery installed in it by default. And if you put a high-capacity battery, the generator will not be able to charge it to the end. And vice versa, by installing a battery of a smaller capacity, it will receive an increased amount of charge and will quickly fail.

      The capacity must match the value specified in the instructions. If you have installed additional electrical equipment on your machine, you may need additional capacity. In this case, it will not be superfluous to consult with the master.

      1. Terminal arrangement. In some batteries, the polarity of the terminals can be changed. It all depends on your car, which in the factory battery can have a “plus” on the right, and a “minus” on the left. In order not to run back to the store, check in advance that the location of the terminals in the new battery matches your car.
      2. Battery dimensions. Please note that if the new battery is larger than the factory battery, it will not fit in the compartment provided for it. In other cases, there may not be enough wires to connect it. Before buying, do not be lazy and measure the dimensions with a tape measure.

      What types of car batteries are there?

      All batteries are of three types:

      1. Maintenance-free - these are batteries with sealed plugs for topping up the electrolyte.
      2. Low maintenance. They differ in that the plugs for topping up the electrolyte are not sealed in them. Their disadvantage is that they need to be periodically looked after: add electrolyte and charge fully once a year.
      3. Serviced (repairable). When the plates are shorted in such a battery, they can be replaced, but since the plates have low strength, this is done extremely rarely. The demand for this type of battery is not too great.

      In order to distinguish between different types of batteries, you need to consult with the seller, since manufacturers do not indicate which category the battery belongs to.

      The classification of rechargeable batteries occurs mostly by the composition of the electrodes, as well as by the types of electrolyte. There are eight types of car batteries in total:

      • Antimony. If we talk about the unconditional merits, then this is their low cost, unpretentiousness and opposition to deep discharges. Disadvantages: large self-discharge, low starting current, short service life (3-4 years of active use), fear of pitching and turning upside down.
      • Low antimony. The undeniable advantages are a low price and a low level of self-discharge during storage, when compared with antimony counterparts. They are also extremely unpretentious to the electrical parameters of the car, so they can be used on most variants of on-board networks - voltage drops are not at all harmful to them, unlike the most advanced batteries.
      • calcium. They have greater energy intensity and more powerful starting currents. Another advantage of them is the level of self-discharge, which is 70% lower than low-antimony ones. So calcium batteries can be stored without being used for their intended purpose much longer. With active use on board a car, such a product lives no more than 5-6 years. Among the shortcomings - they are afraid of turning over and very poorly tolerate deep discharges. If 3-4 times they completely lose energy, then the energy intensity will decrease by 80% and it will be impossible to return it. Several of these full discharge cycles will send the car battery to the scrap. Another problem is the high sensitivity to voltage drops.
      • Hybrid. Combine the advantages of antimony and calcium batteries. They require maintenance (topping up with distilled water is required every six months), but do not require such meticulous care as products with antimony. Good resistance to deep discharges and overcharges. Voltage drops are also not as destructive for them as for calcium batteries. They are sold at the most balanced cost to their useful properties and serve 5 years.
      • Gel. The electrolyte is in a gel-like state, which is why it does not leak as a result of a careless attitude. The gel practically does not boil away, which means that the insides are reliably protected from overheating and shedding. They are not afraid of tilts and shaking, they are slowly discharged and quickly charged, they can withstand several charge-discharge cycles and will not deteriorate. They serve up to 15 years. Disadvantages - price, poor tolerance to frost, they need to be charged using special devices with a voltage of 14,4-15 V, they do not tolerate voltage drops and short circuits.

        This is an improved version of the gel battery. They do not depend so much on the charge voltage, are not so sensitive to short circuits and withstand cold weather better. However, they are weaker in terms of tolerance to charge-discharge cycles, cope worse with deep discharges and discharge faster when stored off-grid. The service life is 10-15 years.

        Such car batteries have shown themselves well on trips in large cities, where you often have to stop at traffic lights and stand in traffic jams. They resist deep discharges well, practically without losing useful properties as a result of charge loss. Due to the high energy intensity and good starting currents in cold and hot weather, they work stably and do not rust. The EFB battery does not need to be serviced during use. It is capable of without difficulty and deterioration of properties to endure several charge-discharge cycles.
      • Alkaline. They tolerate deep discharges well and self-discharge slowly. They are more environmentally friendly, have increased resistance to overcharging, and cope well with frost. The biggest problem with alkaline batteries is the so-called “memory effect”, when, when heavily discharged, the battery can remember the discharge limit and the next time it will only give energy up to this threshold. They are mainly used on special equipment.

      How to choose the right battery for your car?

      Choose a battery for a car based solely on your needs and do not chase after power. The main selection criterion is the cost and its relationship with the quality of operation. The cheapest and at the same time the weakest options are antimony accumulators. Suitable for an old domestic car, which is undemanding to power supply. But even purely for reasons of economy, even low cost will not save antimony. Better take low antimony a version that will be a little more expensive, but on the other hand, it is easier to find it on sale, and the water in it does not boil away so quickly, and the service life is much longer.

      Calcium models are twice as expensive as antimony ones. The car owner needs to ensure that the battery is not completely discharged and beware of sudden voltage drops. This option is suitable for the vast majority of modern brands, excluding premium cars that are completely “gluttonous” in terms of electronics.

      Hybrid models in terms of price and useful properties are in the middle between antimony and calcium ones: they are not as powerful as calcium ones, but at the same time they surpass antimony ones in all respects, including the maintenance period (you need to add distilled water every 5-6 months). For an undemanding car and a technically competent owner, this option is the best fit.

      EFB, AGM and gel Batteries are made for more expensive cars with many electronic features. The main obstacle to buying such batteries for an ordinary driver is the price. If the cost of EFB can still be pulled by a person with average incomes, then gel ones are entertainment only for wealthy drivers or for those who need high-power batteries from technical features.

      The starter requires an average of 350-400 A to start the engine even in the cold, so standard starting currents of 500 A are plenty. Most calcium and hybrid batteries with a capacity of 60 Ah are designed for this power. Therefore, buying gel products with a starting current of 1 A for most drivers with a car from the mainstream segment is just wasting money. Even for owners of premium cars, there is no need for the power of modern gel and AGM batteries. A good calcium or hybrid battery will suit them.

      Once the desired battery is selected, you should check its performance. To do this, connect a load plug to it and measure the idle voltage, as well as under load. The voltage at idle should not be less than 12,5 V, and under load, after 10 seconds of operation - not lower than 11 V.

      If the seller did not have a load fork, you should think about changing the store. It is also wrong to test the battery with a 12 volt light bulb. Such measurements are not indicative of the reliability and durability of the battery.

      We advise you to purchase batteries at specialized points of sale. In such stores, you are likely to buy a quality product, and in case of marriage, the battery will be replaced for you. Most importantly, do not forget to check the warranty card and keep the receipt.

      Recall that before changing the battery, you should check the condition of the electrics and starter in your car. It may be that your battery is in perfect order, but the problem is different, and if it is not fixed, the new battery will not last long.

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