A Brief History of US-Made Pickups and Light Vehicles
Construction and maintenance of Trucks

A Brief History of US-Made Pickups and Light Vehicles

La pickup history goes hand in hand with development USA and begins to satisfy the need for replace horse and cart during the industrial revolution.

Today, a pickup truck is a hybrid of a car and a van and - let's face it - even if we strictly register them in Italy. N1, they look more like cars... By now, in the assortment of each car manufacturer, we find an offer for this segment, but this was not always the case.

Trucks are too big for light transport

In the first 10-15 years of the twentieth century, the distinction between car manufacturers and commercial vehicle manufacturers was very clear. passenger car mission they had to be done on monochromatic pickups: too expensive, bulky and demanding to drive.

A Brief History of US-Made Pickups and Light Vehicles

The box arrives at the car. Handmade arrangements

It so happened that at some point someone came up with the idea to install a small box on the chassis of some fuel-efficient car. There were no Fordist factories yet, the first rough transformations they were cared for by hundreds of small artisans. However, the car and body had to be bought separately.

A Brief History of US-Made Pickups and Light Vehicles

Il Model T small boat with pickup

Revolutionizing the automotive world with a modular platform Model THenry Ford got the intuition in 1925 to create the first "industrial" pickup and sell it through official "dealers": this was the turning point that made it a popular car. Extremely popular. It was Small Model T car with pickup truck.

A Brief History of US-Made Pickups and Light Vehicles

Consecration of the economic boom and pickup truck

Thus, this strange semi-truck-semi-truck became one of the many fundamental cogs of the American economy, but the real boom came at the end of World War II. Thousands of farmers and small business owners they decided to update the now old pickup with new models that came out of the line Ford, But also Chevrolet, GMC, Evasion e International.

A Brief History of US-Made Pickups and Light Vehicles

The car is the symbol of the USA in the world

Il working machine extremely Spartan became "part-time" or, as they say now sports utility: half for work, half for rest. Attention to the interior, bright paint and chrome, even black and white tires paved the way for the car's evolution. vehicle symbol which has conquered markets and manufacturers around the world.

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