Night View - Night View
Automotive Dictionary

Night View - Night View

An innovative infrared technology developed by Mercedes to improve perception in the dark.

With the Night View function, Mercedes-Benz technicians have developed infrared eyes that can detect pedestrians, cyclists or obstacles in the road ahead of time.

Night View - Night View

Behind the windshield to the right of the interior rearview mirror is a camera that, instead of detecting infrared light emitted by hot objects (like a BMW device does), uses two additional headlights that emit infrared light. The two headlights, mounted next to the traditional headlights, light up when the car reaches a speed of 20 km / h: they can be thought of as a pair of invisible distant beams that illuminate the road with a light that is only detected by a night vision camera.

On the display, the image is the same black and white, but more detailed than in the BMW system, with a quality not much different from that of the camera's viewfinder. The location of the screen in the center of the on-board dashboard makes it easier to operate the device than a night vision device, since it only interferes with the passage of the steering wheel spokes when cornering.

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