Duties and rights of pedestrians

Duties and rights of pedestrians


Pedestrians must move along sidewalks and footpaths, adhering to the right side.

If there are no sidewalks, pedestrian paths, or it is impossible to move along them, pedestrians can move along bicycle paths, adhering to the right side and not hindering the movement of bicycles, or in one row along the side of the road, keeping to the right, and if it is absent or impossible to move along her - along the edge of the roadway towards the movement of vehicles. In this case, you must be careful and not interfere with other road users.


Pedestrians carrying bulky objects, or people moving in wheelchairs without an engine, driving a motorcycle, bike or moped, driving a sled, carts, etc., if their movement along sidewalks, pedestrian or bicycle paths or roadsides creates obstacles for other participants movement, can move along the edge of the roadway in one row.


Outside settlements, pedestrians moving along the curb or the edge of the carriageway should go towards the movement of vehicles.

Persons traveling along the curb or along the edge of the carriageway in wheelchairs without an engine, driving a motorcycle, moped or bicycle, must move in the direction of movement of the vehicles.


At night and in conditions of insufficient visibility, pedestrians moving along the roadway or roadside should stand out and, if possible, have retroreflective elements on their outer clothing for timely detection by other road users.


The movement of organized groups of people on the road is allowed only in the direction of movement of vehicles in a convoy of no more than four people in a row, provided that the convoy does not occupy more than half the width of the carriageway in one direction of travel. Front and rear columns with a distance of 10-15 m on the left should be accompanied by red flags, and at night and in conditions of insufficient visibility - with lit lights: front - white, back - red.


Organized groups of children are allowed to drive only along sidewalks and pedestrian walkways, and if they are not available, along the side of the road in the direction of movement of vehicles in a convoy, but only during daylight hours and only accompanied by adults.


Pedestrians must cross the carriageway at pedestrian crossings, including underground and elevated, and in case of their absence - at intersections along the lines of sidewalks or curbs.


If there is no crossing or intersection in the visibility zone, and the road has no more than three lanes for both directions, it is allowed to cross it at right angles to the edge of the carriageway in places where the road is clearly visible in both directions, and only after the pedestrian make sure there is no danger.


In places where traffic is regulated, pedestrians should be guided by the signals of the traffic controller or traffic light. In such places, pedestrians who do not have time to complete the passage of the carriageway of one direction should be on an islet of safety or a line that separates traffic flows in opposite directions, and if absence - in the middle of the carriageway and can continue the transition only when it is allowed by the appropriate signal of a traffic light or traffic controller and make sure the distance current movement.


Before entering the roadway due to standing vehicles and any objects that limit visibility, pedestrians should make sure that there are no vehicles approaching.


Pedestrians must wait for the vehicle on the sidewalks, landing sites, and if they are absent, on the side of the road, without creating obstacles to traffic.


At tram stops not equipped with landing sites, pedestrians are allowed to enter the carriageway only from the side of the door and only after the tram stops.

After getting off the tram, you must quickly leave the carriageway without stopping.


In the case of a vehicle approaching with a red and (or) blue flashing light and (or) a special sound signal, pedestrians should refrain from crossing the carriageway or leave it immediately.


Pedestrians are prohibited from:

a)go on the roadway, not making sure that there is no danger to themselves and other participants in the movement;
b)suddenly go out, run out onto the roadway, including the pedestrian crossing;
at)to allow independent, unattended adults, the exit of preschool children on the roadway;
d)cross the carriageway outside the pedestrian crossing if there is a dividing lane or the road has four or more lanes for traffic in both directions, as well as in places where fences are installed;
e)to linger and stop on the carriageway, if it is not connected with ensuring road safety;
d)Drive on motorways or car roads, with the exception of pedestrian paths, parking and rest areas.


If a pedestrian is involved in a traffic accident, he is obliged to provide possible assistance to the victims, write down the names and addresses of eyewitnesses, inform the body or authorized unit of the National Police about the incident, the necessary information about himself and be in place until the police arrive.


A pedestrian has the right:

a)advantage when crossing the carriageway at the indicated unregulated pedestrian crossings, as well as adjustable crossings if there is an appropriate signal from the traffic controller or traffic light;
b)demand from executive authorities, owners of roads, streets and level crossings to create conditions for ensuring road safety.

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