P1031 (Volkswagen) Intake manifold air control valve position sensor specification not reached
P1031 - OBD-II Trouble Code Technical Description
Trouble code P1031 indicates that the intake manifold air control valve position sensor has not reached specification.
What does the fault code mean P1031?
Trouble code P1031 indicates that the intake manifold air control valve position sensor has not reached specification. This may indicate problems with the air intake system, which can affect engine performance and efficiency.

Possible reasons
Several possible reasons for the P1031 trouble code:
- Faulty control valve position sensor: The control valve position sensor, which controls air flow into the intake manifold, may be damaged or failed. This may cause its position to be read incorrectly.
- Control Valve Problems: The control valve may be stuck or seized, preventing it from moving freely and operating correctly. This may be caused by wear, contamination or mechanical damage.
- Electrical circuit problems: Improper operation of the electrical circuit connecting the control valve position sensor to the engine control module can result in P1031. Opens, short circuits or poor contacts can disrupt data transmission.
- Problems with the engine control unit (ECU): Incorrect operation of the engine control unit can also cause P1031. If the control unit cannot correctly process the data from the control valve position sensor, an error may occur.
- Mechanical problems in the air intake system: Problems with other air intake system components, such as the throttle body or vacuum pipes, can also cause P1031.
To accurately determine the cause, it is recommended to conduct a detailed diagnosis of the vehicle using a diagnostic scanner and tools.
What are the symptoms of a fault code? P1031?
Symptoms for DTC P1031 may include the following:
- Loss of engine power: Incorrect intake manifold air adjustment may result in insufficient air flow to the engine cylinders. This can affect engine performance, which may result in loss of power during acceleration.
- Erratic idle speed: Incorrect air adjustment can also cause unstable idle speed. Engine speed may vary or fluctuate erratically.
- Difficulty starting the engine: Incorrect air adjustment can make the engine difficult to start, especially in cold weather or after a long period of inactivity.
- Increased fuel consumption: Improper air adjustment may cause inefficient fuel combustion, which may result in increased fuel consumption.
- Errors on the dashboard: Having errors appear on your dashboard, such as the Check Engine light, can be another symptom of the P1031 code.
Please note that symptoms may occur to varying degrees depending on the specific cause of the error and the condition of the vehicle.
How to diagnose a fault code P1031?
To diagnose DTC P1031, follow these steps:
- Reading error codes: Use a diagnostic scanner to read error codes from the engine management system. Make sure the P1031 code has been logged correctly.
- Checking the Control Valve Position Sensor: Check the operation of the intake manifold air control valve position sensor. Make sure it is installed correctly and is working properly. Check connections and wires for damage.
- Checking the control valve: Check the condition of the control valve and its mechanism. Make sure the valve moves freely and is not stuck. Check it for damage, wear or dirt.
- Electrical circuit diagnostics: Check the electrical circuit connecting the control valve position sensor to the engine control module. Check the wires for breaks, short circuits or poor contacts.
- Checking the operation of other air intake system components: Check the condition of other air intake system components such as throttle valve, vacuum pipes, etc. Make sure they are working correctly and are not causing air flow problems.
- Checking the engine control unit (ECU): Diagnose the ECM for other problems that could cause P1031. Check its operation and settings.
After diagnosing and identifying the cause of the malfunction, it is necessary to repair or replace the faulty components. If you do not have experience in automotive repairs, it is recommended that you contact a qualified auto mechanic or an authorized service center.
Diagnostic errors
When diagnosing DTC P1031, the following errors may occur:
- Incorrect interpretation of error code: One of the common mistakes is misunderstanding the meaning of the P1031 error code. An untrained diagnostician may misinterpret the code and therefore draw incorrect conclusions about the cause of the malfunction.
- Skip diagnosis of air intake system components: During the diagnosis, checking other components of the air intake system, such as the throttle body, vacuum pipes, etc., may be skipped. This may result in missing other potential causes of failure.
- Incorrect control valve position sensor condition assessment: The diagnostician may incorrectly assess the condition of the control valve position sensor, which may lead to incorrect conclusions about the causes of the error.
- Skipping Electrical Circuit Test: Some diagnosticians may skip checking the electrical circuit connecting the control valve position sensor to the engine control module. Incorrect operation of the circuit may be the cause of the error, and omitting it may lead to incorrect conclusions.
- Wrong diagnostic priority: The diagnostician may focus on only one possible cause, ignoring other potential problems that may be associated with the P1031 code.
To avoid these errors, it is important to perform a complete and thorough diagnosis, including checking all components and systems associated with the intake manifold and control valve position sensor.
How serious is the fault code? P1031?
The severity of the P1031 trouble code can vary depending on the specific circumstances and reasons for its occurrence, there are several factors that can influence the severity of this error:
- Impact on engine performance: Incorrect intake manifold air adjustment may result in insufficient air flow to the engine cylinders. This can affect engine performance, which may result in loss of power during acceleration and poor vehicle performance.
- Increased fuel consumption: Incorrect air adjustment can also result in inefficient fuel combustion, which can result in increased fuel consumption and therefore increased operating costs.
- Potential implications for other systems: Improper operation of the air intake system can affect the operation of other vehicle systems, such as the exhaust system or catalytic converter. This can lead to further problems and damage.
- Security and Manageability: If there is a serious problem with the air intake system, such as loss of power or unstable idle speed, the vehicle's handling may be affected, which can create dangerous situations on the road.
Although P1031 is not a safety critical code, it can cause significant problems with engine performance and efficiency, so it should be carefully considered and resolved as soon as possible.
What repair will help eliminate the code? P1031?
Troubleshooting DTC P1031 may include the following repairs:
- Replacing the Control Valve Position Sensor: If the control valve position sensor fails or gives incorrect readings, it should be replaced with a new one that meets the manufacturer's standards.
- Repair or replacement of control valve: If the control valve has mechanical problems, such as sticking or sticking, you can try to repair it. Otherwise, the valve should be replaced with a new one.
- Checking and repairing the electrical circuit: Check the electrical circuit connecting the control valve position sensor to the engine control module. Check the wires for breaks, short circuits or poor contacts. If necessary, repair or replace damaged elements.
- Engine control unit (ECU) diagnostics: If other components are working properly but the problem still persists, you need to check the engine control module for faults. If a problem is detected with the control unit, you can try to repair or replace it.
- Checking and repairing other air intake system components: Check other components of the air intake system for malfunctions, such as the throttle valve, vacuum pipes, etc. If problems are found, repair or replace them.
It is important to contact a qualified auto mechanic or auto repair shop for diagnostics and repairs. Repairs must be carried out in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and using quality spare parts.