Door lights with auto logo

Door lights with auto logo

Car door lighting is not only another decoration, but also makes the car more comfortable. It looks unusual and beautiful, as it is triggered immediately after opening the door. In addition, it is an additional source of illumination at night. Thus, the person will see where he is going.

What are the door lights

Before choosing such a system for your car, you must first learn as much as possible about the options that the market offers. They need to be compared, to identify similarities and differences, and then make a choice.

Door lights with auto logo

To begin with, you need to know about lighting devices that they can differ according to the type of use. For some, integration with the car's electricity is needed, others work in an autonomous mode, and batteries help them with this.

It is clear that mobile devices are the easiest to install, since they can be installed anywhere. But remember that then you will have to constantly buy new batteries or accumulators.

The lighting elements are also different. Today there are several options. LED and laser backlights are very popular. Neon backlights are less in demand, but they are also found.

You need to choose such products strictly individually, but it will not be superfluous to know about all the offers on the market.

Range of popular products

Now the developers are giving the opportunity to tune your car. It doesn't matter what brand the car has. This list contains all the options that you can actually find in each city.

Door Lights for Toyota

Such illumination is offered for a rather low price, and it is also convenient to mount it. But it will first have to be supplied with electricity.

Door lights with auto logo

It consists of small laser projectors that are powered by a self-contained power supply. They are very easy to install, as ordinary double-sided tape is suitable for this.

The illumination source of the backlight is a laser that can work well even at extreme temperatures. For the backlight to work normally, only 12 volts is enough. The backlight costs about three thousand, and you can mount it in a regular shade, which is usually cut into a car door.

Door lights for Ford

The backlight works on LEDs, its power does not exceed seven watts, and such a backlight costs about nine hundred rubles. It will have to be slammed into the car door, and then also connected to electricity. It can work freely at extreme temperatures.

Door lights for BMW

The light source is a laser, such a backlight can work even at extreme temperatures. Other sources of electricity help carry out the work. For the backlight, 12 volts is enough. The model is very inexpensive - three thousand rubles. It is easy to install due to the fact that it can be simply placed in the already built-in shade.

Door lights with auto logo

Door lights for Volkswagen

This laser type backlight can operate at temperatures from -40 to +105 degrees. The laser must be powered from a separate power source, so they will need to be installed as well. For work, 12 volts is enough. Such a backlight will cost more than three thousand rubles. Installing it is very simple: you just need to screw it into the ceiling, which is located in the doors.

Of course, the market can offer very cheap devices for a variety of brands, but be prepared for the fact that they will not last long.

Setting the backlight

The installation process is actually very simple. To make it clearer, it is better to consider it using the example of Lada.

In this case, the professionals settled on an option that needs to be connected to a light source located inside the car. This is done to increase the service life and guarantee a long work, especially if the light is turned off for a day.

Installation is quite simple, first you need to:

  • dismantle doors;
  • after that, decide where it would be better to put the wires into the salon;
  • then you need to drill out everything you need and put wires and lighting in the door card;
  • the wires should be fixed, otherwise they will wobble and interfere;
  • in the end, you need to bring the interior lighting to the backlight using wires.

After that, you can return the doors to their place and admire the result.

Video: installing door lighting in a car with a logo

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