Traffic Laws. Movement through level crossings.

Traffic Laws. Movement through level crossings.


Drivers of vehicles can cross railway tracks only at level crossings.


When approaching the crossing, and also starting to move after stopping in front of it, the driver must be guided by the instructions and signals of the person on duty to move, the position of the barrier, light and sound alarms, road signs and road markings, and also make sure that the train is not approaching (locomotive, trolley).


To pass an approaching train and in other cases when movement through a railway crossing is prohibited, the driver must stop in front of the road marking 1.12 (stop line), road sign 2.2, barrier or traffic lights so as to see the signals, and if there are no traffic management facilities - no closer than 10 m to the nearest rail.


If before moving there is no road marking or road signs determining the number of lanes, the movement of vehicles through the crossing is allowed only in one row.


Movement through the crossing is prohibited if:

a)the duty officer at the crossing gives a traffic ban signal - stands with his chest or back to the driver with a rod (red lantern or flag) raised above his head or with his arms outstretched to the sides;
b)the barrier is lowered or started to lower;
at)a prohibiting traffic signal or an audible signal is included regardless of the presence and position of the barrier;
d)a traffic jam has formed behind the crossing, which will force the driver to stop at the crossing;
e)the train (locomotive, railcar) is approaching the move within sight.


Movement through moving agricultural, road, construction and other machines and mechanisms is permitted only in a transport state.


It is forbidden to arbitrarily open the barrier or go around it, as well as bypass vehicles that are in front of the crossing when traffic through it is prohibited.


In the event of a forced stop of the vehicle at the crossing, the driver must immediately drop off people and take measures to release the crossing, and if this fails, he must:

a)if possible, send two people along the tracks on both sides of the crossing by at least 1000 m (if one, then towards the likely appearance of the train, and on single-track crossings - towards the worst visibility of the railway track), explaining to them the rules for giving a stop signal the driver of an approaching train (locomotive, railcar);
b)stay near the vehicle and, giving signals of general alarm, take all measures to release the move;
at)if a train appears, run towards him, giving a stop signal.


The signal for stopping the train (locomotive, railcar) is the circular movement of the hand (in the daytime - with a flap of bright fabric or any clearly visible object, in the dark and in poor visibility - with a torch or a lamp). The general alarm signal is a series of sound signals of the vehicle, consisting of one long and three short signals.


The herd of animals is allowed to be driven through the crossing only with a sufficient number of drovers, but not less than three. Transfer of single animals (no more than two per one drover) is necessary only for bridles, for an occasion.

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