Flashing beacon - the car rushes on emergency!
Tips for motorists

Flashing beacon - the car rushes on emergency!

A flashing beacon should be installed on a particular vehicle, taking into account regulatory documents and traffic rules. Otherwise, the reckless driver may be fined by the traffic police.

Why you need a flashing beacon

A car flasher (this is what most road users and pedestrians call a beacon) is understood as a special light signal, the task of which is to attract the attention of drivers. It informs motorists and pedestrians that the car on which it is installed has priority over other road users.

Flashing beacon - the car rushes on emergency!

Now the colors that flashing beacons can have are clearly defined, the traffic police strictly ensures that such special signals are mounted exclusively on vehicles that have the right to move with flashing lights. The color of each signal gives the driver certain priorities and has specific functions:

  • blue: vehicles of the FSO and Russian emergency response services are equipped with such beacons;
  • red: it is installed as an additional one for transport belonging to the FSB, traffic police, VAI and FSO;
  • moon white: a signal that transmits information about an attack on cash-in-transit vehicles (respectively, they are equipped with such a flasher);
  • yellow or orange: it can be used by cars that transport oversized and dangerous goods, as well as public transport.

Flashing beacon - the car rushes on emergency!

All of these beacons are required to have a UNECE certificate N 65 and meet the requirements of the R 50574 standard, approved in 2002.

Flashing beacon on a powerful LED

How does a regular car flasher

The plafond of the device is made of polycarbonate of a special composition, which is characterized by increased impact resistance. In addition, most often use a material that can effectively resist ultraviolet radiation. As a light-emitting element in flashing lights, a matrix of LEDs, a flash lamp with xenon light, an ordinary incandescent lamp, additionally equipped with a rotating type reflector, are used.

As a rule, the described special signal is mounted on the roof of the car, since this is the most noticeable place of any vehicle. The beacon is powered by the onboard network, it can be built into the signal beams, removable or a stationary structure.

Flashing beacon - the car rushes on emergency!

Stationary products are connected with screws to the roof of the body or cab. And removable flashers are usually attached using a magnet. After the need to move under the special signal ends, it is simply removed. Note that the placement of flashing lights in the passenger compartment is strictly prohibited.

Some craftsmen make a flashing beacon with their own hands. It's not difficult if you have a basic understanding of how to assemble a printed circuit board using a few resistors, transistors and an LED.

Flashing beacon - the car rushes on emergency!

What are the priorities on the road for cars with a lighthouse?

If a special signal is installed on the vehicle, the driver may not pay attention to traffic signals (though, provided that such movement does not cause an accident), and also not comply with certain provisions of the traffic rules. Please note that the beacon does not give the driver the right to “not notice” the instructions and signs of the traffic controller.

Flashing beacon - the car rushes on emergency!

When a vehicle is moving along the street with the flasher turned on, all other vehicles must give way to it and not carry out any maneuvers. Auto utilities do not have this advantage (orange, yellow signal). They can only deviate from the requirements of road markings and established signs.

Flashing beacon - the car rushes on emergency!

If the driver does not give way to a car with a special signal, he can be deprived of his license for 1-3 months or fined up to 500 rubles. There is also a fine for a flashing beacon that a motorist mounts on his car illegally.

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