We independently change the heating tap on the VAZ 2107
Tips for motorists

We independently change the heating tap on the VAZ 2107

It is strongly not recommended to drive a car with a faulty heater in our country in winter. This rule is true for all cars, and the VAZ 2107 is no exception. The fact is that the heater of this car has never been reliable and has always given car owners a lot of trouble. And the stove faucet, which began to leak literally a year after buying the car, gained a particularly notoriety among the owners of the "sevens". Fortunately, you can replace this part with your own hands. Let's figure out how to do it.

Purpose and principle of operation of the stove tap on the VAZ 2107

In short, the purpose of the stove tap is to give the driver the opportunity to switch between "summer" and "winter" interior heating modes. To understand what we are talking about, you need to understand how the heating system of the "seven" works.

We independently change the heating tap on the VAZ 2107
Fuel taps on all without exception "sevens" were membrane

So, the VAZ 2107 engine is cooled by antifreeze circulating in the so-called shirt. Antifreeze passes through the jacket, takes heat from the engine and heats up to a boil. This boiling liquid must somehow be cooled. To do this, antifreeze is directed from the jacket through a system of special pipes to the main radiator, which is continuously blown by a massive fan.

We independently change the heating tap on the VAZ 2107
There are two radiators in the engine cooling system of the "seven": main and heating

Passing through the main radiator, the antifreeze cools down and goes back to the engine for the next cooling cycle. The radiator (which in the early "sevens" was made exclusively of copper) after passing through the antifreeze becomes very hot. A fan that continuously blows this radiator creates a powerful stream of hot air. In cold weather, this air is directed into the passenger compartment.

More about the VAZ 2107 cooling system: https://bumper.guru/klassicheskie-modeli-vaz/sistema-ohdazhdeniya/radiator-vaz-2107.html

In addition to the main radiator, the "seven" has a small heating radiator. It is on it that the heating tap is installed.

We independently change the heating tap on the VAZ 2107
The heating tap on the "seven" is attached directly to the stove radiator

In winter, this valve is constantly open, so that hot antifreeze from the main radiator goes to the furnace radiator, heating it up. The small radiator has its own small fan, which supplies heated air directly to the interior of the car through special air lines.

We independently change the heating tap on the VAZ 2107
The heating system of the "seven" has its own fan and a complex air duct system

In summer, there is no need to heat the passenger compartment, so the driver closes the heating valve. This makes it possible to use the heating fan without heating the passenger compartment (for example, for ventilation, or when the windows are fogged up). That is, a heating tap is necessary for quickly switching between small and large circles of antifreeze circulation in the heating system of the "seven".

Common fuel valve problems

All malfunctions of the fuel valve on the VAZ 2107 are somehow connected with a violation of the tightness of this device. Let's list them:

  • the fuel valve started leaking. It is impossible not to notice this: a large puddle of antifreeze forms under the feet of a passenger sitting in the front seat, and a characteristic chemical smell spreads through the car interior. As a rule, a leak occurs due to the fact that the membrane in the fuel valve has become completely unusable. This is usually observed after two to three years of operation of the crane;
  • the fuel valve is stuck. It's simple: the diaphragm fuel valve, which was mentioned above, is subject to oxidation and corrosion. Almost all drivers in our country close this tap in the warm season. That is, at least three months a year, the valve is in the closed position. And these three months are quite enough for the rotary stem in the tap to oxidize and firmly “stick” to the body of the device. It is sometimes possible to turn such a stem only with the help of pliers;
  • leaking antifreeze from under the clamps. On some "sevens" (usually the latest models), the valve is attached to the nozzles with steel clamps. These clamps loosen over time and begin to leak. And this is perhaps the most minor problem with the fuel valve that a car enthusiast can face. To solve it, simply tighten the leaky clamp with a flat screwdriver;
  • The faucet does not open or close completely. The problem is related to internal contamination of the device. It is no secret that the quality of antifreeze in the domestic market of fuels and lubricants leaves much to be desired. In addition, fake coolant is also found (as a rule, well-known brands of antifreeze are faked). If the driver is used to saving on antifreeze, then gradually the fuel valve becomes clogged with dirt and various chemical impurities, which are present in excess in low-quality antifreeze. These impurities form solid lumps that do not allow the driver to turn the valve stem all the way and completely close (or open) it. In addition, low-quality antifreeze can cause rapid corrosion of the internal parts of the standard “seven” membrane valve, and this can also prevent the fuel valve from closing tightly. The solution to the problem is obvious: firstly, remove and thoroughly rinse the clogged tap, and secondly, use only high-quality coolant.

Varieties of fuel taps

Since the fuel valve on the VAZ 2107 is an extremely short-lived device, after two years of operation of the valve, the driver will inevitably face the question of replacing it. However, fuel taps differ in both reliability and design. Therefore, it is worth understanding them in more detail.

Membrane faucet

The membrane-type crane was installed on all the "sevens" that have ever left the assembly line. It is very easy to find this crane for sale: it is available in almost every parts store. This part is inexpensive - only 300 rubles or so.

We independently change the heating tap on the VAZ 2107
The membrane heating tap on the "seven" has never been reliable

But the car owner should not be tempted by the low cost of a membrane valve, since it is very unreliable. And literally in two or three years, the driver will again see coolant streaks in the cabin. Therefore, putting a membrane fuel valve on the “seven” should be done only in one case: if the motorist has not found anything more suitable.

Ball fuel valve

A ball fuel valve is a more acceptable option for installation on a VAZ 2107. Due to the design features, a ball valve is much more reliable than a membrane valve. A steel sphere with a small through hole in the middle acts as a shut-off element in ball valves. This sphere is attached to a long stem. And this whole structure is mounted in a steel case, equipped with two pipes with pipe threads. To open the valve, it is enough to turn its stem by 90 °.

We independently change the heating tap on the VAZ 2107
The main element of the ball valve is a steel closing sphere

With all the advantages, the ball valve has one significant drawback that makes many drivers refuse to buy it. The sphere in the crane is steel. And although faucet manufacturers claim that these spheres are made only of stainless steel, practice shows that in aggressive antifreeze they oxidize and rust very easily. Especially during a long summer downtime, when the tap is not opened for several months. But if the driver is forced to choose between a membrane valve and a ball valve, then of course, a ball valve should be chosen. The price of ball valves today starts from 600 rubles.

Faucet with ceramic element

The most reasonable solution when replacing a fuel valve with a VAZ 2107 would be to buy a ceramic valve. Outwardly, this device practically does not differ from a ball and membrane valve. The only difference is in the design of the locking element. It is a pair of flat, tightly fitted ceramic plates placed in a special sleeve. This sleeve has a hole for the stem.

We independently change the heating tap on the VAZ 2107
Ceramic faucet - the best option for the VAZ 2107

When the stem turns, the distance between the plates increases, opening the way for antifreeze. The advantages of a ceramic faucet are obvious: it is reliable and not subject to corrosion. The only drawback of this device is the price, which can hardly be called democratic and which starts at 900 rubles. Despite the high price, the driver is strongly recommended to purchase a ceramic faucet. This will allow you to forget about the antifreeze flowing into the cabin for a long time.

water faucet

Some drivers, tired of the constant problems with the regular fuel valve of the "seven", solve the problem radically. They don't go to the auto parts store, they go to the plumbing store. And they buy an ordinary faucet there. Usually it is a Chinese ball valve for pipes with a diameter of 15 mm.

We independently change the heating tap on the VAZ 2107
Some drivers install ordinary water taps on the VAZ 2107

Such a crane costs 200 rubles maximum. After that, the regular membrane valve is removed from the "seven", a hose is inserted into the niche where it stood, and a fuel valve is attached to the hose (it is usually fixed with steel clamps bought in the same plumbing store). This design lasts surprisingly long, and in the event of corrosion and jamming, the procedure for replacing such a valve takes only 15 minutes. But this solution also has a drawback: the water tap cannot be opened from the cab. Every time the driver wants to use the heater, he will have to stop the car and climb under the hood.

Speaking of water taps, I cannot but recall one story that I personally witnessed. A familiar driver installed a Chinese crane under the hood. But he categorically did not want to jump out into the cold every time in order to open it. He solved the problem as follows: he slightly expanded the niche in which the regular crane used to be with the help of ordinary metal scissors. On the handle that opens the faucet, he drilled a hole. In this hole, he inserted a hook made from an ordinary long knitting needle. He led the other end of the spoke into the salon (under the glove box). Now, in order to open the tap, he just had to pull the spoke. Of course, such a “technical solution” cannot be called elegant. However, the main task - not to climb under the hood every time - the person nevertheless decided.

We change the heating tap to the VAZ 2107

Having found a leaking tap, the owner of the "seven" will be forced to replace it. This device cannot be repaired, since it is not possible to find spare parts for the VAZ membrane valve on sale (and besides, it is very difficult to disassemble the body of a regular membrane valve on the “seven” without breaking it). So the only option left is to replace the part. But before starting work, let's decide on the tools. Here's what we need:

  • a set of spanners;
  • pliers;
  • crosshead screwdriver;
  • new fuel valve for VAZ 2107 (preferably ceramic).

Sequence of work

First of all, it is necessary to turn off the VAZ 2107 engine and cool it well. This usually takes 40 minutes. Without this preparatory operation, any contact with the heating tap can lead to serious burns to the hands.

  1. The interior of the car is now open. The screws holding the storage shelf and the glove compartment are unscrewed. The glove compartment is carefully removed from the niche, access to the fuel valve from the passenger compartment is opened.
  2. The hose through which antifreeze enters the heating radiator is removed from the tap pipe. To do this, the clamp on which the pipe is held is loosened with a screwdriver. After that, the hose is pulled off the nozzle manually.
    We independently change the heating tap on the VAZ 2107
    The hose on the inlet pipe of the tap is held on a steel clamp
  3. Now you should open the hood of the car. Just below the windshield, in the partition of the engine compartment, there are two hoses connected to the fuel cock. They are also held on by steel clamps, which can be loosened with a screwdriver. After that, the hoses are removed from the nozzles manually. When removing them, extreme care must be taken: antifreeze almost always remains in them. And if the driver did not cool the engine well, then the antifreeze will be hot.
    We independently change the heating tap on the VAZ 2107
    To remove the remaining faucet hoses, you will have to open the hood of the car
  4. Now you need to unscrew the fasteners of the fuel valve. The crane is held on two 10 nuts, which are easily unscrewed with an ordinary open-end wrench. Having unscrewed the tap, it must be left in a niche.
  5. In addition to the hoses, a cable is also connected to the fuel valve, with which the driver opens and closes the valve. The cable has a special fastening tip with a 10 nut, which is unscrewed with the same open-end wrench. The cable is removed together with the tip.
    We independently change the heating tap on the VAZ 2107
    The tip of the crane cable is held on by one bolt for 10
  6. Now the fuel valve is not holding anything, and it can be removed. But first, you should pull out a large gasket that covers the niche with pipes (this gasket is removed from the passenger compartment).
    We independently change the heating tap on the VAZ 2107
    Without removing the main gasket, the crane cannot be removed from the niche
  7. After removing the gasket, the crane is pulled out of the engine compartment and replaced with a new one. Next, the VAZ 2107 heating system is reassembled.

Read also about tuning VAZ 2107: https://bumper.guru/klassicheskie-modeli-vaz/tyuning/tyuning-salona-vaz-2107.html

Video: replacing the heater tap on the "seven"

VAZ 2107 removal and replacement of the stove tap

Important nuances

There are a couple of important nuances that should not be forgotten when installing a new fuel valve. Here they are:

So, even a novice motorist can change the fuel valve on the "seven". This does not require any special knowledge or skills. You just need to have an elementary idea of ​​\u2107b\uXNUMXbthe design of the VAZ XNUMX heating system and follow the above recommendations exactly.

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