Heat wave at a construction site, how to adapt?
Construction and maintenance of Trucks

Heat wave at a construction site, how to adapt?

Since most of their activities take place outdoors, construction workers most susceptible to the vagaries of the weather, especially in hot weather. In the event of extreme heat on site, not everyone is aware of the precautions, actions to be taken, or legislation. However, as we explained in our article on 7 tips to use for working in winter, good information is essential to be able to adapt your activity to extreme conditions.

This article looks at the different levels of heat wave warnings, clarifies what the law says (from both the employer and employees), then describes the risks to men in the event of an abnormal heat wave and the precautions to take.

When do we talk about a heat wave?

We are in a heat wave situation where it lasts three days or more and the temperature remains abnormally high day or night. Heat builds up faster than it is removed, and the heat amplitude between day and night decreases significantly. Heatwaves are often accompanied by significant air pollution due to an increase in the amount of airborne particles.

Different levels of heat alert

The authorities have established four warning levels to deal with the heat wave:

Heat wave criteria vary by region. Thus, in Lille we are talking about scorching heat of 32 ° C during the day and 15 ° C at night, and in Toulouse we expect 38 ° C during the day and 21 ° C at night.

However, vigilance must be exercised when temperatures exceed 30 ° C.

Heat and professional activity: what does the law say?

В Labor Code no mention is made of the maximum temperature above which operation can be terminated.

However, employers are obliged to protect the health of their employees and must provide premises and equipment suitable for hot weather, in accordance with article R 4213-7 of the Labor Code.

If, despite the measures taken by the employer, the employee believes that his activities seriously threaten his health, he can use his the right to refuse ... His employer will not be able to force him to return to work.

And in the construction industry?

Additional measures are planned for the builders.

Each employee must receive at least three liters of fresh water per day, and companies are encouraged to adapt the working day. Thus, the hardest tasks should be postponed to cooler hours, avoiding the peak of heat between noon and 16:00 pm. They should also do more regular breaks during the hottest part of the day. These breaks can be done in the construction barracks.

In the French building, the Federation determines “that one of the first security measures is to assess the situation and inquire about weather and warning bulletins. "

Heat in place: what is dangerous for health?

Working outside during the daytime during the heat is risky. Builders are particularly affected, especially when taking into account the additional heat generated by the machines and the dust and particles in suspension. However, the sun is the worker's worst enemy, and here's what it can cause:

  • Sunstroke : also called Heatstroke , it occurs after prolonged exposure. In the most severe cases, it can cause hallucinations or unconsciousness, which can lead to death.
  • Severe fatigue : Due to heat and dehydration, it is characterized by heavy sweating, weak pulse and abnormally high body temperature.
  • Tan : Great holiday classics can also influence you during your professional life. It is important to note that number skin cancers for builders it is higher than in other fields of activity.
  • Breathing disorders : The heat wave is often accompanied by a peak in pollution, increasing the risk of lung diseases, which are already present in the construction industry.

How to deal with heat at a construction site?

Heat wave at a construction site, how to adapt?

Some tips can help you combine work and heat waves and make heat waves less painful.

Hydration and freshness :

  • Drink water regularly (three liters a day) without waiting for thirst. It is recommended to avoid sugary drinks, caffeinated drinks and alcoholic drinks that increase the heart rate.
  • Wear lightweight, loose and light clothing ... However, basic safety rules should not be overlooked. Helmets and safety shoes are required.
  • Work in the shade as much as possible , take regular breaks and save energy.
  • Take advantage of amateurs and gentlemen ... Spray your face and neck regularly.
  • Take a shower at the construction site to cool off. For this, a converted trailer is the ideal equipment. Follow our construction trailer guide to find out more.

Food :

  • Eat raw fruits and vegetables .
  • Give preference to cold and salty foods, to compensate for the withdrawal of mineral salts.
  • Eat enough (but not in excess)
  • É avoid sugary drinks, caffeinated drinks, and alcoholic beverages.

Unite :

  • Pay attention to the behavior of colleagues, to notice signs of discomfort.
  • Take turns complete the most tedious tasks.
  • Don't take risks and avoid excessive physical exertion.

If you site manager , you have an important role to play in keeping your comrades safe during the heat wave. So you have to:

  • Tell employees the risks of overheating and first aid measures.
  • Make sure everyone is ready to go.
  • Remove any person with problems from your post.
  • Organize tasks so that in the morning you can do the hardest.
  • Suggest mechanical fixtures for the job.
  • Provide protective gear eg safety glasses.
  • Don't let work in shorts or shirtless .

You now have all the tools to deal with the heat wave in your area.

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