Advertising on the website

We offer online advertising on our car portal

Our site is visited by 60000 unique visitors per month, they make 82000 page views.

Audience distribution

The main audience of the site (74%) are men.

Distribution of audience by gender on a car site


The age distribution is as follows:

Age of the audience of the automotive portal

As you can see in the diagram, the core of the target audience of the site is paying visitors from 18 to 44 years old. These are experienced or novice motorists who are interested in:

  • DIY car repair;
  • selection of spare parts for repair;
  • car tuning (from external tuning to chip tuning, suspension modifications, brake system and engine);
  • selection of rubber and engine oils;
  • new cars (reviews of restyled models, test drives of new products).

Advertising in the Auto dismantling section

The following types of advertisements are presented in the auto dismantling catalog:

Option № 1

Placing an ad in the first position in your city (for all brands of cars that you deal with) with yellow highlighting (for example, see photo), as well as the “Go to website” button, which will lead a potential buyer to your company's website.

Cost of accommodation: 1000 rubles per month.

Advertising in the Auto dismantling section

Option № 2

Placement of an ad in the second position (it will be placed in the first position if option No. 1 is not redeemed) in your city (for all brands of cars that you deal with) with gray highlighting (example, see photo), as well as the “Go to website” button ”, which will lead a potential buyer to your company's website.

Cost of accommodation: 500 rubles per month.

Advertising on the car portal

Option № 3

Placement of an ad in the third position (will be placed on the first or second, if option # 1 and # 2 are not purchased) in your city (for all brands of cars that you are engaged in) with gray highlighting (for example, see the photo), without links to your site.

Cost of accommodation: 300 rubles per month.

Advertising on the auto site

If you are interested in placing advertisements on our website, send your proposal through the feedback form:

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