10 most congested cities in the world
Useful tips for motorists

10 most congested cities in the world

Transport collapse is a phenomenon that, unfortunately, has become commonplace for most large cities. Every year the number of cars is growing inexorably, and the road infrastructure is sometimes not ready for such a large number of cars.

10 most congested cities in the world

The international analytical service INRIX annually conducts research on the road situation in various parts of the world. According to the results of the surveys, the competent experts of the represented agency publish statistical data with a detailed indication of all necessary calculations. This year was no exception. Analysts have ranked the 10 most congested cities in the world. Let's get to know him in more detail.

The leading position in the presented list is occupied by Moscow. In fairness, it is worth noting that this fact, to put it mildly, shocked many.

10 most congested cities in the world

Nevertheless, an analysis of the traffic situation in the capital showed that Muscovites spend about 210-215 hours a year in traffic jams. In other words, for each year there are about 9 full days. The only consolation is the fact that road congestion in Moscow has slightly decreased, if we draw an analogy with the previous year.

Second in terms of workload is Istanbul. Turkish motorists are forced to spend about 160 hours a year in traffic jams.

10 most congested cities in the world

This situation, according to experts, is largely due to the driving style of the local population, which often contradicts generally accepted norms and rules. In addition, the reason for such busy traffic lies in the underdeveloped road infrastructure.

On the third line is Bogota. For reference, this is the capital of Colombia. Bogota's roads have seen an increase in traffic over the past few years, which inevitably leads to traffic jams and congestion. Despite the fact that the road network of the city is quite developed, the transport situation is beginning to take a menacing turn.

Fourth in the ranking mexico city. Referring to analysts' data, the traffic situation in this metropolis is becoming more and more tense every year. According to the most conservative estimates, due to traffic jams, residents of Mexico City have to waste about 56 minutes every day.

10 most congested cities in the world

Next on the list - San Paolo. It is worth saying that traffic jams have long become quite commonplace for Brazilians. It is noteworthy that the presented metropolis in 2008 became famous thanks to the longest traffic jam ever recorded in the world. The reason for this situation is called the intensive growth of the urban infrastructure of Sao Paulo. At the same time, the number of roads remains at the same level.

The remaining 5 cities placed on the chart in the following order: Rome, Dublin, Paris, London, Milan.

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