21 Things We Never Knew About Rob Dyrdek's Cars
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21 Things We Never Knew About Rob Dyrdek's Cars

Almost anyone could make Rob Dyrdek stand out from the crowd; he is an international icon recognized in 197 countries.Official representative in Georgia195 countries. (No, that's not a typo, and no, that doesn't add up. But it kind of is...keep reading!)

Most people know him from one or more of his many television projects and he has literally been on TV all over the world! But his enterprise is very extensive and covers several branches. Even though his popularity spurred his entrepreneurial growth, we are sure that he would have been a great success even if no one knew his name. He is so tenacious!

He abandoned the idea of ​​formal education when he was 16, quit skating in California, and has been changing the world ever since. He owns the first company to ever sponsor him (as well as a host of other partial and wholly owned businesses), has partners in markets from food distribution to numerous entertainment venues, and is also an ordained minister. (Yes, he can marry you.)

Simple math boils down to hard numbers: he is 44 years old and has a net worth of $50 million. Combined, no matter how you want it, he averages over $1 million a year!

He always had a keen sense of business: “When I was 16 years old,” he recalls, “I told people that I should treat this career like a business.” Undoubtedly, there is something special about Rob. While it's hard to qualify all of this within a single feature, we can try to at least quantify how the dude rides.

21 Double "0" Dyrdek

Rob is known for many things; it's hard to remember where we originally remember it from. Despite the profession that got him to where he is today, one of his most memorable tricks had nothing to do with a skateboard (except that it had to do with a skateboard). The Chevy Sonic kickflip seen around the world (literally) was amazing in 2011, but few people know that Rob wanted more from this stunt. Initial inspiration came from James Bond, but it was too expensive. So, when it was too difficult to grind frame rails along something, they stopped at a “simple” kickflip.

20 Kickflip it!

Rob, by his own admission, is not a stuntman. You wouldn't know that considering he's a professional skateboarder (someone who dropped out of school at 16 to do it professionally), but he's not a goof either. Knowing his limits, he worked closely with competent support staff to ensure every detail was worked out. This trick lasted six seconds for the whole world, but you can't just kickflip Sonic. Looking at the ramp from Rob's point of view sheds light on just how risky this stunt was; I had to hit right. (That long, straight, white line doesn't go through the middle of his launch for no reason!)

19 How did they make it work!

Looking at the ramp head-on will either clear up the mystery of the trick or further confuse it. If you are still confused, take a look at the two pictures above. Looking at the ramp head-on, you can see the main ramp along the center line of the left wheel's path, while the larger secondary ramp extends well above the right wheel. The goal was to keep "pushing" the right tire up until the left side of the car succumbed to gravity (and longitudinal rolling off the right ramp). The second photo shows the magic in action. A deviation of a few inches could be dangerous.

18 Rob has the Midas touch

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Rob has the Midas touch; everything he touches increases in value simply because his skin cells may have once been transferred to the object in question. (For example, the white Tahoe you just read about sells for $22,000; the exact same 2008 model you can buy all day for less than $10,000.) If you double the resale value of a gas-consuming SUV after having your epidermis all over (and out of warranty) is not a Midas touch, we don't think so. That's how you know you've arrived, kids; when a few public photos next to the car can increase its value.

17 When the Tahoe is no good

When the Tahoe's compact size just doesn't fit, many people resort to stacking it on roof rails, allowing the rear doors to bungee open, or perhaps even renting a trailer. Tahoes are big, but not monstrous. When Rob needs a monster, he summons this beast, "Street Jet". (Personally, we think he may well have a real monster truck hidden somewhere, as well as a jet plane.) This meditation However, the Street Jet does not fly (and does not crush car bodies). But this is a $65,000 truck in its basic form. Rob doesn't care, he's good as long as he can match it with his punches.

16 He loves accessories

via celebrity automotive blog

It's easy to look brilliant when you have money to burn, but it's not necessarily as easy as you think. Rob's innate business savvy creates an immutable code by which he lives; he's not the type to spend huge sums of money on wasteful spending, and yet he always looks brilliant! (Have you ever noticed how some prominent public figures mysteriously go broke while in the middle of a $7 million yard with Ferraris and Lamborghinis crookedly parked?) Rob remains well-equipped, but above all, he stays within his limits. All this business acumen is invested in the war machine that is his empire; what comes out is black on black on black on black!

15 Doppelgangers Bite The Style (Complex)

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They are everywhere and you can't run away from them. No matter how eccentric Rob is, somewhere along the way he will definitely find imitators. Interestingly, you will constantly read about how his transmissions got through.Citizens of 198 countries" worldwide. “Country” is a fancy word for a “sovereign state,” of which there are only 195 as of 2018 (according to the UN). Some are in favor of Kosovo, Taiwan and Western Sahara; but we tend to side with the UN on this issue. Either way, all three probably have a bunch of blacked-out Tahoes riding around with a limousine in a limousine!

14 He has a place to park everything he can afford.

through habit formation

And that includes the world's largest skateboard! You may have seen it before, but just in case, know that it's not overrated in the slightest! At first, it may give you an impression of novelty that goes beyond the commonplace, but that's only because you haven't seen it in action yet! Officially, it is the "Largest Skateboard in the World" as listed in the Guinness Book of World Records. The incredibly large skateboard was built in Los Angeles, California and was ridiculously impractical in size. At 36 feet long, it is wider than a tractor-trailer (8 feet 8 inches) and nearly four feet tall. Yes, they ride it down big hills, and yes, it crashes indiscriminately into everything below: hard!

13 He likes stacks on stacks (on stacks)

through habit formation

While he may not be able to park the world's largest skateboard in the comfort of his living room - which you know he wouldn't hesitate to do - that doesn't stop him from covering every available square inch of his interior with "ordinary things." . skateboard decks. However, this usually happens when you own skateboard companies; you usually have a lot of them lying around. In a way, it's safer to keep it small! One day, as they were leaving Times Square with a big skateboard on the platform, they were stopped so a police officer could take a picture with it!

12 Exotic will fill it with the spirit of Christmas

Ferrari dealer employees may have a snide reputation for under-the-table customers, and prestige seems to be maintained through pompous self-admiration. But this customer service tactic might have been misplaced, to say the least, if Ferrari himself hadn't recognized the main attraction when he entered the showroom. Rob comes to buy whenever and wherever he goes. When Rob walks into a Ferrari dealership, he either leaves with him or leaves with a receipt and a delivery date. Rob says it was like Christmas when Ferrari sent him photos of his new toy walking through their factory.

11 Business before pleasure

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Dyrdek is a man of many passions, and hell rages under each of them. (After all, he didn't get stacks on stacks on stacks while being warm.) Dropping out of school when he was only 16, he would be light years ahead of his class by the time they graduated. Already at that age, he understood the fundamental principles of business, such as when it's time to say goodbye to an old friend, it's time to say goodbye. Even his precious 458 Italia was not immune to this irrefutable business principle. The very fact that he knew when it was time to say goodbye, despite the lack of need, speaks volumes about his business acumen.

10 Pleasure after this

Rob Dyrdek has been with Gymkhana since its inception and we continue to Gymkhana 10 already. For those of you not familiar with Gymkhana, it is essentially a celebration of all the impossible technical things that less than 1% of the world's drivers have the skill set to accomplish. If you think NASCAR is grabbing you with three wides on the back and four laps to go, Gymkhana will likely blow your mind! Top notch production, lots of high definition footage, slow motion and close range maneuvering (full throttle) on crazy road tracks with some of the worst XNUMXWD vehicles you'll ever see. Yes, Rob does it too!

9 Rubber is for the weak

In fact, rubber is for the wise. But if you can find a way to ride without tires better than most people with them, you'll make a compelling argument. The unbridled creativity of the team is always striving to outdo themselves, but since Gymkhana 1 was such a hit, they set themselves to an incredibly high bar (which we feel is effortlessly replaced with every new installment!). If you missed the clip, Ken Block will be in the spotlight; but you see Rob doing a brake stop in a mini car as Ken Block's signature donut swirls around him.

8 Stairs for the brave

Gymkhana 10 was intense, to say the least. And he has something for everyone. From full-size Ford pickups with XNUMXWD conversions to XNUMXWD Subaru's without tire modifications, stunts are tough and hard! However, one stunt was too heavy and Rob didn't participate in it. It was a ladder stunt that involved yetis, drifting, and perfect timing. Rob arrived on set the day of the stunt, walked out, looked at him, got back into his Tahoe, and rode off without a word. The text he sent to the team at the exit contained only two words, of which only one can be reproduced here: "... This."

7 He not only drives cars and skateboards

This article is supposed to be about "cars," technically, but we think if you're brave enough to book an R-22 Robinson helicopter for your first date with your wife-to-be, it's notable enough to mention. “On that flight, I knew that I would spend the rest of my life with her. After [the flight], we got engaged, married, had two kids…” Rob and Brian also have a dog, a cat and a rabbit. It's safe to say that Rob and Brian love animals. After all, their first date began with a flight to Bakersfield to participate in a puppy rescue and ended with a relaxing evening on Catalina Island.

6 Helicopters never get old

If you go and follow the social media posts and events leading up to their union, you will see one very passionate Rob relentlessly pursuing what he wanted until he got it. (Take note, all you young, aspiring entrepreneurs!) Being bold is part of who he is. So when he stops the production of Aladdin to propose, it's just another day in the life (like his first helicopter date). For their three year anniversary, Rob recreated the magical first date with Robinson again. (Did anyone remind him that he would have to transcend this later?)

5 Start young!

If anyone knows the importance of starting young, it's Rob Dyrdek. He couldn't even finish four years of high school before dropping out to start that false-optimistic thing we call adulthood. But when he hit her, he fell to the ground so fast that bad luck didn't even have time to catch up with him! This does not mean that his journey was a walk in the park, but once he started riding, nothing could stop him! Rob aims to instill the same sense of tenacity in his children by leading by example (and introducing Cod Dash to the finer principles of Aston Martin aerodynamics).

4 Launch them quickly!

via Art Project

True to the "stormtrooper" moniker that many fans attribute to everything he owns, in a black and white color scheme, Rob owns a Campagna T-Rex. Constructed from a 1.5-inch tubular steel chassis, the carbon-fiber full-frame three-wheeler has a 90-inch wheelbase, 78-inch track width and is just 42 inches off the ground. With three-point seat belts, four-piston calipers, triangular sidewalls and a state-of-the-art front impact zone, he's safe enough for his kids! With a liquid-cooled, 197-horsepower, 16-valve DOHC engine located behind the driver's seat, that's wild enough for him - which is wild enough for us!

3 1969 Pro Touring Camaro

through habit formation

Many people know that Rob has a monster Pro Touring Camaro that can tear gravel out of asphalt with its rear wheels. What most people don't know about this particular build is that Rob couldn't stand the car in its supercharged format! He was attracted by the smooth lines of the body and muscular posture; but in an understandable impulse of zeal, he built living daylights out of it! It was so powerful that he could barely control it, which prompted a return trip to the builder for a little upset. Smallblock 600 with 383 hp was again naturally aspirated and was downsized to a modest 400 horsepower (because it's a modest Camaro, right?), allowing Rob to ride it a lot more.

2 Chevrolet Z-71 Tahoe

Rob is such an influencer that trends follow him everywhere he goes. Rob can't own a Tahoe without every fan (of the same model) trying to emulate his unique taste. But this is not very surprising; he's a pop culture legend! With more shows and productions to his name than you could possibly count in five hands, he is a walking pack of international acclaim. However, despite all this, he is very down to earth in all of this. He's really easy to love, so when he changes rims, Plastidips logos, trim panels and decals, fans will modify their Rob vans accordingly. (The Tahoe has been Rob's primary vehicle for many of his various shows.)

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