3 Signs Your Car Needs a Coolant Flush

3 Signs Your Car Needs a Coolant Flush

The summer heat poses unique challenges for vehicles in the south. Luckily, your car has engine protection measures in place. This important task is largely left to your engine's cooling system and the antifreeze that keeps it running. It is very important to keep this coolant fresh with manufacturer recommended coolant flushes. So how do you know if you need a coolant flush? Here are the main signs that Chapel Hill Tire mechanics will provide you with the service you need.

Vehicle overheat sensor and high temperature sensor

The main role that the coolant plays in the functioning of your vehicle is to keep the engine temperature low. If you find that your temperature gauge is always high and your engine is overheating frequently, chances are you need a coolant flush. An engine overheating can lead to serious and costly problems, so it's best to call a mechanic at the first sign of a temperature problem. 

The sweet smell of maple syrup in the car

One of the telltale signs that you need to flush your coolant is the smell of the engine, which can remind you of pancakes. Antifreeze contains ethylene glycol, known for its pleasant smell. When your car burns through coolant, it can release odors that drivers often compare to maple syrup or toffee. While the smell may be pleasant, it is a sign that your engine needs attention as it burns antifreeze.

Recommended maintenance, signs and symptoms

Apart from these two clear signs that a coolant flush is needed, other signs tend to be more ambiguous, such as unusual engine noise. When you hear an engine noise or notice that something doesn't seem right, it's important to get your car (or call a mechanic) as soon as possible. Other considerations to look out for include:

  • Fluid leakage - If your antifreeze is leaking, you may notice blue or orange fluid leaking from under the hood. Without a normal coolant level, your engine will start to overheat quickly. 
  • Seasonal Attention – Coolant problems can occur all year round; however, vehicle overheating is most common during the warmer months. You need to make sure your car is ready to fly with fresh coolant, oil and other necessary maintenance before your engine runs into any kind of risk.
  • Maintenance schedule - If all else fails, refer to the user manual for instructions. Coolant care can be affected by the age, make and model of your vehicle, as well as your driving habits, previous maintenance procedures, the climate in your area, and other factors. This makes it necessary to take good care of the car. 

If you're still not sure if you need a coolant flush, see a professional for advice. A professional mechanic can advise you if this service is right for you. If you need a coolant flush, a professional can do it quickly and inexpensively. 

What is a coolant flush?

Simply adding antifreeze to your engine may temporarily fix coolant problems, but it won't fix the source of your problem. That's where coolant flush may I help. The expert will start by checking that your coolant is not leaking. If there is a leak, they will need to find and fix that problem first. Once they confirm that there is no more serious problem in your system, they will remove all the old burnt antifreeze. 

Your mechanic will also use professional grade solutions to remove any existing debris, dirt, sludge, rust and deposits that your system may contain. The mechanic will then finish flushing the coolant by adding fresh antifreeze to the engine along with conditioner to protect it longer. This process improves the condition and protection of your vehicle, so you are likely to notice an immediate improvement in engine cooling and performance after this service.

Chapel Hill Tire Coolant Flush

If you need a coolant flush, Chapel Hill Tire is here to help. We proudly serve drivers in and around the Triangle at our nine proven service centers. You can find Chapel Hill tire mechanics in Apex, Raleigh, Durham, Carrboro and Chapel Hill. Our technicians are well versed in the needs of vehicles of every make, make and model, including Toyota, Nissan, Honda, Audi, BMW, Subaru, Ford, Mitsubishi and many others. to make an appointment here online or call your nearest Chapel Hill Tire Locations to start today!

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