4 Signs You Almost Need a New Car Battery

4 Signs You Almost Need a New Car Battery

4 signs it's time for a new battery

Have you ever rushed to work or school on time only to find your car won't start? Bye start the car can make you work, it's best to get battery replaced before any problems arise. That's why it's useful to know when the battery is low. Here are four signs that it's almost time for you to get a new car battery, which the mechanics of Chapel Hill Tire brought to you.

1) Your battery is struggling to cope with seasonal issues.

As the heat in North Carolina begins to intensify, you may begin to notice that your battery is reacting negatively to these changes. This occurs when heat begins to evaporate the water in the battery's internal fluids. This evaporation can also cause internal battery corrosion.

In winter, your battery's chemical reaction slows down, shortening our battery life and your car needs more power to start due to slow moving engine oil. Newer batteries can handle harsh weather with ease, but a battery nearing the end of its life will begin to struggle in extreme climates. Here's our guide to getting your car moving in cold weather so you can go to a mechanic for a replacement. 

2) Your car has been sitting for too long

If you leave your car for a long trip out of town, it may have a dead battery when you return. Your driving style is highly dependent on your battery. While you might think that frequent driving is bad for your battery, the opposite is often true. The battery is charged while driving, which means that if the vehicle is left idle for an extended period of time, the charge may be depleted. If you've chosen to quarantine outside of the city and left your car idle, consider asking a roommate, friend, or housemate to make sure he rotates around the block from time to time to protect your battery.

3) Your car is hard to start

Have you noticed that your engine takes longer to crank than usual? Do the headlights flicker or do you hear an unusual noise when you turn the key? These are all signs of an imminent battery failure. Before your car has a chance to let you down, consider taking it to an expert to check the starting system or change the battery.

4) Your battery is outdated and the indicator on the dashboard lights up

Wouldn't it be easier to tell when you need a battery replacement if your car gave you a sign? Fortunately, most cars do just that. The battery indicator on the dashboard comes on when your car detects a battery or starting problems. When all else fails, you can also rely on the age of your battery to gauge when it might need to be replaced. On average, a car battery will last three years, although this can be affected by your battery brand, vehicle type, local climate, vehicle maintenance, and driving style. 

Alternate Start and Battery Issues

Are you having trouble starting after changing the battery? Is your new battery dying prematurely? Are you having trouble starting your car safely? These are signs that the problem exists in more than just a dead battery:

  • Generator problems: Your vehicle's alternator is responsible for recharging the battery while driving. If your battery dies shortly after being replaced, you may have a problem with your alternator.
  • Bad battery: Alternatively, a battery that runs out shortly after being replaced may be a sign of a bad battery. While this is rare, it is not unheard of. Luckily, you are more likely to be covered under warranty if you visit an experienced mechanic. 
  • Low batteryQ: Do you keep your battery protected? Leaving the lights on or the charger plugged in can drain the car battery. 
  • Starter problems: As the name suggests, your car's starter is responsible for starting your car. If you have problems with the starter, your car will not start even with a fully charged battery. 

Start tests and vehicle diagnostics can be performed to determine the source of the problem with the vehicle. The mechanic will then work with you to develop a repair plan that will get your car up and running again.

Battery replacement and maintenance for Chapel Hill tires

If you have battery problems, please contact Chapel Hill Tire. Our stores are open to meet the needs of the people of the Triangle and our mechanics are completing sidewalk service и free pickup and delivery to protect the health of our customers and our employees. Also, if you're worried about driving with a bad battery, our mechanics will come to you! Make appointment here online with Chapel Hill Tire to get the new battery you need in Raleigh, Apex, Chapel Hill, Durham or Carrborough today!

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