4 most common car breakdowns in winter and how much it costs to repair them

4 most common car breakdowns in winter and how much it costs to repair them

Winter is coming, and with it low temperatures. If you live in a city where heavy snow covers everything in its path, then you know the effects the cold can have on your car.

It's starting to feel cold, which means it's time to start preparing for low temperatures, snowstorms, and all the trouble it can bring to your car.

“The winter months can bring a lot of problems to your car. While modern cars are designed to withstand harsh weather conditions, there are a few basic steps every driver must take as the days get shorter and temperatures drop.”

It is very important that also

If you don't properly prepare your car, it can get unexpected damage and repairs can leave you without a car for days. In addition, there will be unforeseen expenses and they may be very high.

Here we will tell you about the four most common cases that a car suffers from in the winter and how much it costs to repair them.

1.- Your car's battery

In cold temperatures, your battery's performance may degrade, especially if it is several years old. Remember that the battery has a lifespan of 3 to 5 years, and if it is not used for a long time (which is very common in winter), it will die.

– Approximate cost of a new battery: Depends on vehicle type and battery size, but can cost between $50.00 and $200.00.

2.- Tires

At the end of winter, you may find yourself with a couple of flat tires, because when the car is not moving for a long time, air comes out of its tires. Therefore, you must inflate the tires before storing the car so that they last a long time. You can also use special tires that do not slip on ice and have more stability than conventional tires. 

– Approximate cost of a new battery: Depends on vehicle type and battery size, but can cost between $2000.00 and $400.00.

3.– Salt affects the car

In winter, cars spray salt to melt the snow off the roads. This salt, combined with water, is harmful to the exterior of the car and can speed up the rust process.

– Estimated price: The price of this repair depends on how damaged the car is.

4.- Stuck locks and doors 

In strong winds and low temperatures, it is very likely that the doors and locks of the car will freeze or the door seals will lose their elasticity, but this is natural. Low temperatures take their toll on any vehicle left outside. 

– Estimated price: The price of this repair depends on whether it was damaged. Locks can be returned to service after thawing.


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