5 most dangerous car sounds
Useful tips for motorists

5 most dangerous car sounds

Gone are the days when drivers used to hear faults. Today, the cars are different, and the drivers are far from being so wise by experience. It creaked and thundered - we are going to the service station. And if "finances sing romances" - we go further. Sometimes this approach ends in tragedy.

Turning the key in the ignition, we hear a new, hitherto unseen electric squeak - this is the ignition lock system, which will soon simply not allow the car to start. One day, the engine will not “hear” the key, and instead of a weekend in the country, everyone will go to look for something similar at car disassembly. The new block will cost five figures, and in the case of the German origin of the car - six figures. However, this is not as life-threatening as some of the other "notes" that your car is capable of.


A car is not a kettle, but it can boil. Used cars often suffer from leakage in engine cooling systems, and it is not difficult to identify it: a characteristic hiss from under the hood, light steam, and constant puddles of antifreeze. Elimination will require the replacement of pipes or a radiator, but skipping this symptom “by the ears” will lead to a local engine overhaul: if the cylinder head leads to overheating, you will have to disassemble the engine, polish the cylinder head and change gaskets. Not the cheapest and most affordable operation.

5 most dangerous car sounds

With a hiss, air comes out of a punctured wheel, but the most expensive "inhabitant" of this subsection is pneumatics. Violation of the tightness of the suspension struts will lead to the fact that one day the car will simply “fall” on the wheels. Fashion is fashion, but it's impossible to drive like that, the car begins to destroy the suspension and bodywork in every hole. And with pits on the roads, we historically have a surplus.


A “referee signal” from under the hood often means the imminent death of one of the timing rollers or a wired belt. Jamming will lead to a rupture, and then how lucky. There are cases in history when a broken timing belt led to the bending of all valves. Repair (overhaul) of the engine will lead to a big hole in the family budget and thoughts about buying a new car. Credit credit, but the motor warned of the need for replacement.

The “tired turbine” whistles, preparing to retire. Diagnosing a malfunction at an early stage will allow you to save the unit and a decent amount in your wallet, and the loss of engine power already indicates the need for replacement. However, it may also be a loose hose clamp - before ordering a new unit, you need to check all possible "budget" reasons for the weakness of the motor.

5 most dangerous car sounds

But the most dangerous whistle is emitted by the wheel bearing, which can quickly use up its resource on bad roads and when constantly “visiting” rutted roads. Wear and tear from horizontal “rolling” will disable the part in a matter of months, and the poor quality of parts will force car owners to constantly stop by at service stations. So the hub is not the best place to save money. If he whistled, then immediately to the master. Otherwise, the wheel will jam, and the car will be thrown in an unknown direction. At high speed, this will be fatal.


This incomparable sound is well known to experienced drivers who had a chance to ride the Niva. What is the flesh of the domestic flesh, what is generated jointly with General Motors. Alas, no one has yet been able to silence the transfer case. SUV owners know what a “humming bridge” is: a worn gear in the gearbox will provide all passengers with “musical accompaniment” even at low speeds. However, you can get to a car service with such a sound.

5 most dangerous car sounds

It’s quite difficult to make a traditional automatic gearbox “buzz”, but time knows its business - even ultra-reliable Japanese automatic transmissions begin to buzz at the end of their lives. But the variators emit an obscene rumble from the very beginning of operation. But, we must pay tribute, modern nodes are already much quieter than their predecessors.

Clank and screech

Iron on iron is always bad. If the suspension, motor or gearbox "pleased" with such a soundtrack, it's time to send the "iron horse" for medical examination. Clanging means wear of rubber seals, silent blocks, or even worse - the global death of the unit that makes this obscene sound. It is simply impossible to go onto a public road with such a symptom - only a tow truck.

Determining a malfunction by sound is not an obligation, but an underestimated skill of every driver. To avoid serious breakdowns, accidents due to a malfunction of the car and other troubles, you must be able to hear the car. And this gift is not inherited - it comes only with experience and a “rolling forward” of hundreds of thousands of kilometers. So turn down the music. Listen to your car.

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