5 states with the strictest speed limits

5 states with the strictest speed limits

Hawaii has the lowest speed limits in the US. Rural highways are 60 miles per hour, urban highways are 60 miles per hour, and other highways are 45 miles per hour.

Many drivers, despite the fact that the signs indicate the speed limit, decide to go faster and this can lead to fines and even car accidents.

Each state has different speed limits, with some having higher limits than others. However, there are states that are very strict and have very low speed limits. It doesn't matter if you have the latest supercar.

It is good that the limits are not excessive, then accidents due to speed can be reduced. However, sports car owners are always looking to go a little faster, no matter what the law says, and this can have serious consequences.

So, we've compiled a list of the five states with the strictest speed limits.

1.- Hawaii

The speed limit is 60 mph on the rural interstate, 60 mph on the urban interstate, and 45 mph on other highways.

2.- Alaska

The speed limit is 65 mph on the rural interstate, 55 mph on the urban interstate, and 55 mph on other highways.

3.- Connecticut

The speed limit is 65 mph on the rural interstate, 55 mph on the urban interstate, and 55 mph on other highways.

4.- Delaware

The speed limit is 65 mph on the rural interstate, 55 mph on the urban interstate, and 55 mph on other highways.

5- Kentucky

The speed limit is 65 mph on the rural interstate, 65 mph on the urban interstate, and 55 mph on other highways.

Even though these states in the country have the lowest speed limits, don't trust yourself and always drive with great care. Road safety is a matter of paramount importance for all states that want to reduce the growing number of fatalities in the country.


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