5 things to remember in the car

5 things to remember in the car

In the hectic and dynamic daily life, we spend a lot of time in our cars. We wake up, drink coffee, work, talk on the phone, eat fast. And we constantly leave everything in the car, often forgetting things between the seats, under the seats, in the door niches.

It's okay for busy people to have things like a phone charger, laptops, and even a second pair of shoes. But there are things that cannot be left in the salon for a long time. And if you don't have time to park well in front of the house to do an inspection that will save you the trouble.

Electronic devices

Apart from electronics intended for use in the car, such as multimedia and audio systems, leaving electronic devices in the car for a long time is not a good idea. Laptops, tablets, phones, etc. Not intended for extended periods of time in a narrow, hot environment, such as in a car on warm days, or in a refrigerator that a car turns into in winter. The intense heat in the cabin can damage printed circuit boards and batteries. Not to mention the fact that we have witnessed devices bloated to the point of disfigurement with rubber elements torn off. A long stay in the cold, guaranteed and irreparable, will ruin the batteries of any device.

Besides, crashing a car in order to steal a phone or a computer is part of our unpleasant daily life, isn't it?

5 things to remember in the car


Whether it's instant chips, sandwich crumbs and slices, or even a piece of meat or vegetables, it will be frustrating in many ways.

First, there is an unpleasant odor. Let's be honest - the smell of spoiled food, cooked somewhere between the seats, is strong, but rather slowly dissipates. Another nice and funny thing is the bugs - forgotten food attracts swarms of flies, ants and other bugs, and it's not surprising that you see a fat cockroach looking for prey on your panel.

5 things to remember in the car


It is clear that you do not travel all the time with a set of sprays at hand. But surely many of us wear deodorants and all kinds of sprays and sprays for hair and body.

We are sure that you know how dangerous, for example, hairspray in the heat is and what troubles it can bring if it explodes, but it is far from safe to leave it even in sub-zero temperatures. For about the same reason as in warm weather.

5 things to remember in the car

Milk and dairy products

Milk is not so scary to spill, unless you spill it in the car. When this happens in warm weather, a long nightmare awaits you. The smell of sour milk penetrates the surface, especially the fluffy insoles, and it will take months and several washes to disappear.

But if you think winter is better, imagine what happens to milk that spills, freezes, and turns liquid again and again on a warm day. It saturates the fabric of the car, making it almost impossible to clean when it gets hot.

5 things to remember in the car

Chocolate (and anything that melts)

It is quite obvious that forgetting chocolate or melting sweets in the car is a nightmare. After the chocolate has melted, such products will fall into small cracks and holes that cannot be completely cleaned.

And how “nice” it is to rest your hand on the armrest, and the melted sugar will stick to your hand or clothes, many have probably experienced this. Well, beetles, of course ...

5 things to remember in the car

Bonus: animals (and people)

We know that we are not as irresponsible as thousands of people overseas, and the chance to forget or leave a pug or grandson in the car tends to zero. But let's talk about this: in summer, the interior of a car heats up extremely quickly and can lead to very serious consequences and even death. And in winter, the interior cools down very quickly and can lead to severe colds and even frostbite.

5 things to remember in the car

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