6 essential yoga poses for mountain bikers
Construction and maintenance of bicycles

6 essential yoga poses for mountain bikers

Here are 6 yoga poses to help you improve flexibility and relax before or after your mountain bike ride.

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Hatha Yoga: Pair Pose - Setu Bandha Sarvangasana

Lie on your back with your knees bent and your heels as close to your buttocks as possible. To half-bridge, grasp your ankles and inhale while lifting your hips. Hold this position for 30 seconds to a minute while breathing, then relax. To complete a full bridge, place your hands on the floor at head level, near your ears, and lift your torso as you inhale, as shown in the photo. Hold the position while breathing, then relax.

Benefits: "Bridge" stretches the chest, neck and back. Calms the brain, improves digestion, relieves fatigue in the legs, stimulates the abdominal organs, lungs and thyroid gland. [/ List]

Frightened, camel pose

The camel pose (Ushtâsana-ushta: camel) is an arching and stretching pose known to cause complete destruction of the mind. There may be some tightness or discomfort in this completely unusual position, and breath control can sometimes be extremely difficult. But you just need to be careful and gradually, gradually, gradually tame the posture.


  • Tones and relaxes the spine, hips and thighs
  • Stretches the fascia and abdominal organs. Stimulates Digestive Function
  • Energizing

Marjarasana: chat message

Ideal if your back hurts! The cat pose relaxes the spine and strengthens the transverse, deep abdominal muscles. As you inhale, lower your belly to the ground and slightly raise your head (depression in the back). As you exhale, press your navel against your spine and release your head (round back). Combine these two movements ten times.


  • Stretched spine.
  • Feet, knees and hands are firmly attached to the ground.
  • Thinning and flat stomach.

Dove Pose - Eka Pada Rajakapotsana

This position can relieve sciatica and lower back pain as it stretches the back and relaxes the buttocks and legs. You can lower the bust forward for a more intense stretch by breathing deeply.


  • This pose stimulates the heart and the outer rotator cuffs.
  • It can relieve sciatica and lower back pain.

Hero pose

This pose strengthens the muscles of the legs, back and tones the abdominals. It also makes it possible to work on alignment.

Supta Baddha Konasana: Sleep Goddess Pose

Allows you to work out the opening of the shoulders, groin, inner thighs and thighs. May reduce stress and anxiety and relieve depression. Stimulates blood circulation, heart, digestive system and abdominal organs.

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