7 things you should never do at a gas station

7 things you should never do at a gas station

Driving to a gas station also comes with certain responsibilities to ensure the safety of your life and the lives of those around you.

We've all heard at some point that when we go to the gas station, we should avoid using our cell phone and, of course, not smoking. However, these are not the only two things you should avoid in such places.

According to there are others actions you should never do when you go tobecause you could endanger your life and the integrity of your vehicle. Here are 7 things you should avoid at these establishments:

1. Do not smoke.

Perhaps this is the most obvious reason, but it is worth remembering that gasoline is highly flammable and even at very low temperatures (even at -40ºC) it emits vapors. All it takes is a small spark, like a cigarette, to start a fire or an explosion.

2. Don't drive too fast

There are people who quickly stop at gas stations, but forget that there are a lot of people at the gas station: customers, passers-by, dispatchers, sellers, buyers, etc. For this reason, it is correct not to move inside at a speed of more than 10 km / h, which reduces the risk accidents.

3. Do not use the wrong fuel

Some cars need to run on a certain type of gasoline, but... what happens if one day you make a mistake and, for example, fill Magna instead of Magna Premium?

This mistake won't actually ruin your engine, but that's not why you should let it become a habit. Where you might have problems is when mixing diesel with gasoline because you will choke the car's fuel and in order to solve this problem you will have to empty and clean the tank.

4. Don't talk on your cell phone

While there are no records of mobile phone fires at a gas station, it's best not to risk it with the static generated by these devices. Also, these gadgets can distract drivers.

5. Don't park at the wrong gas station

Driving in the opposite direction from the arrows on the floor will cause the hose to be further away from the tank, and so you will have to run the hose over the vehicle, which, in addition to being inconvenient, can be dangerous.

6. Don't leave your car on

It's unlikely, but according to the US Petroleum Equipment Institute, several gas station fires have been caused by sparks from a burning engine component.

7. Fill the tank to the top

While this doesn't always happen, fuel can overflow unnecessarily, which can be risky if your car spills gasoline and someone accidentally lit a match or cigarette nearby. The result can be disastrous.


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