8 Amazing Animals You Should Never Meet in Real Life
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8 Amazing Animals You Should Never Meet in Real Life

We all know the Wawel dragon, the dragon Falkor from The Neverending Tale, or the ogre Shrek, but the world of fantastic animals is filled with a wide variety of species. Aquarians, basilisks, kelpies and other incredible animals have captured the imagination of readers, viewers and players around the world for years. Below is a brief guide to lesser known creatures. I wonder what you've already figured out...

1.      Mantykora

A monster that looks like a sphinx, the poison contained in its tail can kill in an instant. Manticores are the heroes of the Apprentices game, stories about them can also be found in Harry Potter. Scooby-Doo and Shaggy escaped the Manticore as well as American soldiers in the fantasy horror film Manticore: The Beast of Legend.

2.      griffin

This is a very proud animal that has always played an important role; in mythology, among other things, he guarded the treasures of Apollo, he pulled the team of Alexander the Great, and precious ores could be found in his nest. The figure of the griffin, immediately after the lion, is most often found in coats of arms. Griffins appear in The Witcher by Andrzej Sapkowski and in The World of Witches by Andre Norton. They also appear in the game "Heroes" and in the animated fairy tale "Gumisa".

3.      salamander

This is a lizard that feeds on the flames of fire and ignites when angry. Her blood has healing properties. According to legend, mercury mixed with lead and burned in the fire of the Salamander fire produces gold. It can be found near volcanoes and sometimes in hearths.

4.      Varg

He is the older and smarter cousin of the wolf, and in Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, orcs used lips as mounts, and Gandalf understood their speech. Wargs hate people, and after meeting with them, no one survived. In Songs of Ice and Fire, Gr. R. R. Martin's lips is the term for changelings, that is, people who are able to transfer their consciousness into the mind of a wolf.

5.      Vodniki

These are the Slavic keepers of water and its lords; they chose areas near the mills for living. Their favorite color was black, so the millers painted their mills that color to ensure the creatures' favor. In the past, Aquarians were thought to be guilty of drowning, which is why people feared them. Attention! Aquarians should not be confused with drowners or drowners, they are completely different species.

6.      kelpy

These are werewolf animals, most often taking the form of a black horse, warning against storms and not sympathizing with people. If someone sits on it, the creature will throw itself into the water, drowning the rider. The most famous kelpie lives in Loch Harve, another was Ciri's punishment mare in The Witcher, and in the sixth part of the Harry Potter adventures, the kelpie inhabited the black lake.

7.      Wyvern

This animal is often mistaken for a dragon, but is smaller, does not breathe fire, and has only two legs. However, it is no less dangerous and can ravage villages and maul entire herds of sheep, which are their favorite food. Wyverns have been considered an allegory of Satan since the Middle Ages. Wyverns appear as a separate species in Wild Hunt.

8.      Hoot

This character is taken from Arabic mythology, he is a desert demon who lured and killed wanderers. Ghouls in The Witcher are sensitive to light and silver, they resemble zombies, their main food is human remains. In Diablo III, they are a type of undead, a similar role they play in Night of the Living Dead.

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