Car tires: service, operation and price

Car tires: service, operation and price

Your car's tire has several functions: to provide your trajectory, your speed and the braking of your car. This is your vehicle's only point of contact with the road, so it is very important to have your tires in good condition. Their pressure must be applied every month and their clothing must meet the minimum standards set by law.

🚗 How does a car tire work?

Car tires: service, operation and price

First, we will explain how and what the tire is made of:

  • Tread : This is the part in direct contact with the road. Its grip must be adapted to different soil types. The tread must also be resistant to various forms of wear and tear.
  • Wear indicator A: There are two types of car tire wear indicators. Located in the grooves of the tires and on the tread. Specifically, wear indicators are types of rubber growths that allow you to check the wear on your tires.
  • Wing : this is the side section of your tire. Its role is to maintain traction and correct bumps in certain roads, such as sidewalks or potholes. Therefore, it is made of flexible rubber.
  • Mascara layer : It is a kind of reinforcement that allows your tires to better withstand loads and internal air pressure. It is composed of very fine textile fibers. The tire beads are used to press the tire against the rim.

?? How to read a car tire?

Car tires: service, operation and price

If you look closely at your tires, you will see some sort of link made up of letters and numbers. If you don't know what they are, here's how to decipher them.

Take this example: 185 / 65R15 88 T

  • 185 the width of your tire in millimeters.
  • 65 gives you the sidewall height as a percentage of your tire width.
  • R : This is the radial structure of your tire and is found on most tires. You can also find the letter D, which corresponds to the diagonal structure, and the letter B, which corresponds to the transverse chord structure.
  • 15 : This is the inside diameter of your tire in inches.
  • 88 : This is the load index, that is, the maximum weight in kilograms that it can withstand. There is a load index correspondence table. For example, here 88 actually corresponds to a maximum load of 560 kg.
  • T : It is a speed index that indicates the maximum speed that the tire can support without degradation. There is also a correspondence table, the letter V corresponds to a maximum speed of 190 km / h.

🚘 What types of tires are there?

Car tires: service, operation and price

There are different types of tires to suit the climatic conditions of your vehicle. Here is a list of the different types of tires:

  • Summer tires : their feature is in the chewing gum mixture they are composed of, which does not soften at high temperatures.
  • . 4 season tires : They can be used both in summer and winter. It should be noted that they wear out faster and may slightly increase fuel consumption.
  • . Winter tires : Recommended for road temperatures below 7 ° C. Unlike summer tires, their tread is deeper and with wider grooves for better drainage of snow or water. Their higher grip than conventional tires translates into higher fuel consumption.

🔧 How to check tire wear?

Car tires: service, operation and price

For safe driving, it is important to regularly check the tire wear. If you don’t know how to check the tire wear level, we will explain a very simple method in two steps!

Required material:

  • protective gloves (optional)
  • Tire

Step 1: locate the wear indicator

Car tires: service, operation and price

To determine the degree of tire wear, manufacturers have built wear indicators on your car's tires. The wear indicator is usually located in the tread grooves.

Step 2: watch the amount of wear

Car tires: service, operation and price

Once you find a tire wear indicator, watch for it. The legal minimum limit is 1,6 mm. In addition, the difference in wear between two tires of one train must not exceed 5 mm.

Otherwise, you will have to change tires. You can consult a specialist or buy tires online at sites such as 1001 Tires.

🇧🇷 How do I care for my tires?

Car tires: service, operation and price

Here are some tips for taking care of your tires and extending their life:

  • Check regularly your tire pressure : We recommend that you check it every month according to the manufacturer's recommendations (usually found on your car door or fuel tank). If your tires are not properly inflated, it can lead to more or less serious damage such as loss of grip, reduced life, excessive fuel consumption, less effective braking, or in the worst case, a burst tire.
  • Thinking about what to do geometry your car : This is to keep your wheels parallel to ensure an optimal connection to the ground. If your geometry is not optimal, you risk losing driving accuracy, uneven tire wear, or higher fuel consumption.
  • Do balance your tires, that is, it distributes the weight of the wheel precisely and evenly. It is highly recommended that this operation be performed by a professional car manufacturer. If your tire is poorly balanced, it can cause various types of wear on the suspension and, in particular, on the steering.

?? How much does a tire change cost?

Car tires: service, operation and price

It is difficult to establish an exact price for a tire change because it varies greatly depending on the type of tire, the size of the tire and, of course, its brand. Please note that tires are always changed in pairs.

Count on average from 45 to 150 euros per tire for city and compact cars and from 80 € to 300 € for sedans. Added to this is the labor cost, which includes removing the old tire, installing the new tire, and balancing the wheel. Think from 10 to 60 € additionally depending on tire size.

Now you know how to properly service and change the tires of your car! This information is provided for information only; Therefore, we advise you to use our online comparator to get an accurate estimate of your tire replacement.

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