Automobile anti-rain. Comfort and safety in bad weather
Liquids for Auto

Automobile anti-rain. Comfort and safety in bad weather


Universal anti-rain should be suitable for use not only on the windshield, but also on side windows, mirrors and lights. It contains hydrophobic (water-repellent) components, as well as water-soluble surfactants based on fluorine-silicate polymers. They prevent coagulation of water droplets on mirror and glass surfaces. At the same time, the car glass receives surface protection, as a result of which all drops roll down the glass, leaving no marks and dirty stains.

The components that make up the anti-rain help not only with precipitation, but also with glass pollution. The effect of the action is especially noticeable if the car is moving at high speed (above 90 km / h).

The mechanism of action of anti-rain for car windows is that the product consists of special particles that decompose organic pollution when exposed to daylight, and even better - sunlight. As a result, dirt particles cannot adhere to the glass protected in this way, and all its surfaces are completely washed out by raindrops.

Automobile anti-rain. Comfort and safety in bad weather


Regular use of anti-rain products provides the driver with the following benefits:

  1. Better visibility of the highway at night (experts say that it is not less than 20%).
  2. Much easier and more effective removal of insects stuck to the glass while driving on country roads.
  3. Lengthening the periods between major cleanings of headlights and mirrors.
  4. Improved working conditions for janitors.
  5. Prevents frost on windows.
  6. The process of cleaning glass surfaces from sticking snow is simplified.

In order to fully experience the benefits of the systematic use of anti-rain, it is worth understanding the range of these substances offered by manufacturers. Of course, it will not be difficult for an experienced driver to prepare anti-rain with their own hands.

Automobile anti-rain. Comfort and safety in bad weather

Top Rated

According to reviews regularly published on auto forums and specialized sites, the undisputed leaders among users are:

  • Nanoreactor Rain-X, which forms a microscopic film on the glass, which eliminates the adhesion of any water-containing liquids, as well as dirt. Rain-X is widely used today not only for headlights and glass, but also for polished car body surfaces. Motorists especially note the convenient packaging, thanks to which this drug can be used in any conditions.
  • CleverCOAT PRO — an anhydrous and environmentally friendly composition that forms an optically transparent layer on the window glass of vehicles, improving visibility for the driver and passengers. It is characteristic that the components included in the anti-rain CleverCOAT PRO simultaneously “heal” all small scratches on the glass. After light polishing, the appearance of the surface improves.
  • Antirain Theftproduced in the form of a spray. Allows drivers to improve visibility when driving in bad weather, to prevent the formation of an ice crust on the glass surface. In the event of a windshield wiper failure, it is with Antirain XADO that you can safely continue driving. It is recommended to treat only the dry surface of glass and mirrors. After drying, the surfaces are polished to a shine. Recommended for regular use (1 time in 3-4 weeks).

Automobile anti-rain. Comfort and safety in bad weather

How to apply?

Most brands of anti-rain for car windows are available in aerosol packaging, which contributes to the uniformity and efficiency of applying the drug. However, this is not necessary: ​​with almost the same success, the product can be applied with a clean napkin. Sprays have the advantage that the specific consumption in this case is lower and does not exceed 3 g/m2and the processing time is shorter. According to the total area occupied by the glass parts of your car, the consumption of the substance should also be calculated.

The effectiveness of the best water-repellent preparations lasts for several months. It is also important that all anti-rain components are environmentally friendly and do not have a negative impact on the environment.

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