White circle with red rim "Movement Prohibited"
Auto repair

White circle with red rim "Movement Prohibited"

A red circle on a white background is a sign that is often confused by drivers, especially beginners. They confuse it with a "brick", although the difference is quite significant - the circle is simply edged in red, without any symbols inside. Let's find out what a white circle with a red border means.


White circle with red rim "Movement Prohibited"


According to the rules of the road

In the rules, a sign with a red frame is indicated by the numbers 3.2 and belongs to the category of prohibition signs. This means that further sections of the road are strictly prohibited. This prohibition works both ways.


A post with a white background surrounded by a red circle has its own scope:

  • at the entrances to the restricted area;
  • in premises where repair work is being carried out;
  • in front of areas intended for pedestrian traffic;
  • in front of adjacent areas where there is a culvert.
Are there exceptions

Like many road signs, this red-bordered sign has exceptions to the basic rules. It can be ignored:

  • Russian postal vehicles with special markings;
  • shuttle vehicles;
  • Vehicles driven by people with category 1 or 2 disabilities;
  • vehicles whose owners live in the zone of the sign;
  • cars of service organizations located in the area.

However, in order to use the right of way under the red and white sign, you must have documents confirming the privilege. Such documents can be invoices, a residence permit, a certificate of a disabled person, etc.

Penalty for violation

A white sign with a red border is considered prohibited. It cannot be ignored, although many drivers do not even pay attention to it. The fine for violating and driving under the sign is not so high - only 1 rubles. The authorities believe that the offense is not so serious, since the driver who violated the rules does not pose a danger to other road users, since there should not be other vehicles in the place where sign 500 is in effect.

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How do traffic police officers prove a violation

In most cases, the offense is recorded personally by the traffic police. It is not uncommon for a traffic police patrol to stand near a zone with a red marking “traffic is prohibited” and stop a driver who has violated traffic rules. If the driver is in possession of documents entitling him/her to travel and a travel permit, he/she is released to continue driving. However, if the driver does not have the right to pass under the sign, he will be fined.

If the driver believes that the protocol was drawn up illegally, he can try to challenge the decision of the traffic police to impose a fine. But in practice this is almost impossible. If the driver has the necessary documents for travel and, nevertheless, received a fine, it is worth fighting for your rights. For example, if you stop a freight forwarder at a point of sale who has documents, he will still be fined.

In any case, the main thing to remember is that you should not be rude to the official. However, the driver's license should not be handed over to the inspector. The driver also has the right to take photos and videos of everything that happens. Police officers are on duty at this time, so the ban on filming private life does not apply to such situations.

Take the time to sign everything the inspectors say on the report. Read the document carefully. If you disagree, write about it. In general, if you are dealing with a crime, try to do everything possible so that you have a reliable evidence base that can later be considered in court.

How to avoid punishment

In the case of the sign (a white circle with a red outline), there are only two things you can do to get out of it - have documents on hand that allow you to drive in the area of ​​\uXNUMXb\uXNUMXbthis rule, or not break it at all. Strict observance of traffic rules, by the way, is the best protection against fines and safe driving on the roads.


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