Is it safe to drive after the snow blower?
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Is it safe to drive after the snow blower?

Snowplows on the roads do important work, but at the same time they create certain inconveniences that can lead to an emergency. In many cases, drivers do not know how to behave when they are driving behind a snow cleaning machine.

When I saw a snow truck

When the snow blower has been spotted, it needs to be provided with enough space to do the work. Overtaking will prevent the driver from completing his task.

Is it safe to drive after the snow blower?

Keep your distance. If you snuggle close to a sweeper, which scatters salt and sand behind it, then you will coat your car with dangerous reagents, or even scratch the paint.

How to go after a snowplow

Many mistakenly believe that the road behind the sweeper is already safe. This is only partially true. We must not forget that some time must pass before the salt begins to act and destroy the icy sections of the road.

Is it safe to drive after the snow blower?

When a highway is cleared by several snowplows, they must not be overtaken. Behind them you will travel slower, but always on a clean surface. Overtaking is dangerous because the distance between their shovels is small. And here it is necessary to take into account the scattered reagent with sand with snow removal equipment.

According to many experts, overtaking snow removal vehicles, you will not save time, because driving on a dirt road requires a decrease in speed.

Finally, think about when you park. If you do not leave enough space for the snow blower to pass, do not complain that the street will remain uncleaned.

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