Security. The summer months are the most frequent of these accidents.
Security Systems

Security. The summer months are the most frequent of these accidents.

Security. The summer months are the most frequent of these accidents. Since mid-May, pandemic restrictions on the movement of unaccompanied children have been lifted. Some students are also returning to schools. For drivers, this means the need to be extremely vigilant. Every year, the largest number of road traffic accidents involving children occurs in the warm season.

Many Polish schools have started childcare and educational activities for students in grades 1-3 of elementary school. This means that your child is more likely to be on the road.

It is during the warm months of the year (May-September) that the largest number of accidents occur involving children under 14 years of age. In May 2019, there were almost twice as many such incidents as in January or February of the same year. , and the largest number of accidents occurred in June.

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Spring and summer are always a time for travel and long distance travel, as well as more outdoor activity for children, which unfortunately increases the chance of an accident. This year, an additional risk factor may be that drivers have already weaned from the sight of children moving around without parental supervision. Moreover, you should be especially careful near pedestrian crossings, kindergartens, schools or residential areas, say instructors from the Renault Safe Driving School.

Drivers should remember that children do not yet know how to correctly assess the traffic situation, so they may, for example, unexpectedly collide with a pedestrian crossing. In addition, short stature makes it harder for children to be seen coming out from behind a parked car or other obstruction. In such a situation, the concentration of the driver and the correct speed are key, which will allow you to quickly stop if necessary.

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