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Tips for motorists,  Articles

My back hurts while driving. What to do?

Back pain is the most common problem that many drivers face. Especially if a person’s profession is associated with a long stay at the wheel. When unpleasant aching sensations arise, some simply ignore them. But this is a clear signal that soon a person will begin serious health problems. And in the best case, comfortable trips will be replaced by slow walks with a limp.

The problem is exacerbated by the fact that back pain does not just come from static muscle tension due to a sedentary lifestyle. It is due to mechanical action on the musculoskeletal system of the body. Why do drivers often have back pains? And what can be done so as not to change into a pedestrian?

Causes of Back Pain

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In addition to chronic diseases, discomfort in the back from driving can occur for the following reasons:

  1. muscle tension
  2. incorrect landing of the driver;
  3. vibration during movement;
  4. physical activity after a long stay in one position.

The first problem arises from the fact that a person is in the same position for a long time. Even if the driver's seat is comfortable, a burning sensation appears in the muscles during a long trip. Since they are in constant tension for a long time, they begin to hurt. The second problem is inextricably linked with the first.

During the trip, it is impossible to avoid pitching, shaking and vibration. If the driver has chronic back problems, sooner or later he will get an internal injury. For example, it may be protrusion of the spinal disc or intervertebral hernia. The last problem mentioned in the list is a frequent occurrence among truckers.

As you can see, back pain is caused by two key factors. And they are interconnected. This is an incorrect driver's seat and incorrect seat adjustment. How to avoid discomfort in the muscles and spine?

How to drive

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Some motorists themselves contribute to the appearance of this problem. Some sit reclining, others lean over the steering wheel. And sometimes this happens even when the seat is properly adjusted.

The principle that every motorist must adhere to is the lower back and shoulder blades that touch the back of the seat. This posture relieves excessive tension on the back muscles. Even if the car swings sharply, the spine will not be affected.

Driver seat adjustment

A car is not a luxury, but a means of transportation. Unfortunately, because of this approach to motor vehicles, many drivers believe that seats with many settings are a whim of the rich. Massage, heating, electric drive and other functions, of course, are important for comfort. However, they are not necessary for back health.

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Three adjustments are enough: movement closer and further from the steering wheel, seat height and backrest tilt. Here are the basic rules for these standard settings.

  1. The seat height must be such that the driver’s legs are bent at right angles. And the knees are not higher than the hips.
  2. The seat should be so far from the steering column that the driver’s feet do not just reach the brake and gas pedals. The pedal should not be pressed with a straight foot, but so that it is slightly bent in focus.
  3. The backrest must not be set at an angle of 90 degrees to the seat. In this case, aching pain will quickly appear in the lower back, or between the shoulder blades. It needs to be tilted back a little.

Following these simple rules is not just a matter of personal preference. The health of the driver depends on this. If during the trip there was a back pain, you should immediately pay attention to the settings of the chair and steering column. If the trip is long, then after half an hour you need to stop and do a little workout outside the car. This will relieve tension from the lumbar muscles, and they will continue to perform their function efficiently.

Important! In no case can persistent back pain be ignored. Immediately need to see a doctor.

And a couple of tips from the director of a higher school:

How to adjust the driver's seat. DVTSVVM. "Autoworld-video version"

Questions and answers:

How to properly drive back hurts? To avoid back pain while driving, you must sit so that your back and neck are 90 degrees relative to the seat - just like at a school desk.

How to relax your back while driving? Sitting down in the car, do not bend your back, but sit down a little, turning your back to the chair. Take a break every 2 hours - go out and stretch, bending over, twisting or hanging on the bar.

Why does your back hurt after sitting for a long time? As a result of constant tension without changing the load, the back muscles will sooner or later spasm. Back pain used to be in someone with poor posture.

How to properly sit behind the wheel for the spine? As close as possible to the back of the seat, so that the back rests against the back (if necessary, move or lower the chair). Do not lean over the steering wheel - the muscles will tire faster.

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