Bicycle Conversion Bonus Adopted by the National Assembly
Individual electric transport

Bicycle Conversion Bonus Adopted by the National Assembly

Bicycle Conversion Bonus Adopted by the National Assembly

In the National Assembly, MPs approved an extension of the premium for the switch to electric bicycles in France. A historic decision!

Already open to electric scooters and motorcycles, the conversion bonus has been expanded to include electric, folding and cargo bikes. As part of the debate over the climate bill, MPs adopted on Friday, April 9, an amendment proposed at the end of March by the government.

« We are in a country with a strong automotive industry. Often the purpose of bonuses is to get rid of the old car and buy a new one. The very act of recognizing that one solution is to have one less car is a turning point. Olivier Schneider, President of the French Cycling Federation, reacted during an interview with Liberation.

Device must be specified

Following in the footsteps of the Brussels-Air model, which has enjoyed great success in Brussels, where it allowed more than 1200 people to abandon their vehicles in 2020, this new award should be applied “as a matter of priority” in the Low Zones. Emissions (ZFE)

In practice, the amount of the allowance for the conversion of bicycles will soon be determined by decree. At this stage, the government did not indicate the amount of aid allocated. However, this should vary depending on the type of bike purchased.

Like the system already in place for cars, the bike conversion surcharge will depend on the write-off of the old gasoline or diesel vehicle.

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