Boombox, Tesla's new in-car software that lets you customize your horn with fun sounds.

Boombox, Tesla's new in-car software that lets you customize your horn with fun sounds.

Elon Musk talks about new 'Boombox' sound feature that will probably please some and piss off others

As if it were a Christmas present, the 2020 Christmas Update has arrived, firmware 2020.48.25, as well as some fun new features. Elon Mask and the company have made a number of changes to the user interface, added more games and some useful improved visualizations. However, one new feature in particular could be controversial, and not just for Tesla owners.

Even if you don't drive a Tesla, you'll soon be able to take advantage of the features available in the new mode."Boombox» updates that allows Tesla drivers to customize Horn his Model S, Model X, Model 3 o Model Y. That's right, now you can make your Tesla horn sound like a goat, clap your hands, La Cucaracha style, or even flatulence, among many other sound effects. You can even add up to five custom sounds using a USB stick. The user-selected sound is played after the normal beep. Musk himself promoted the sound effects update on his Twitter account on Friday afternoon.

Change your horn sound to 🐐, 🐍🎷, 💨 or a holiday jingle with the latest Tesla software update!

– Elon Musk (@elonmusk)

Boombox also allows the car to make different driving sounds electric vehicles in motion, whether you are driving or have your vehicle parked or parked in Summon mode. In other words, most likely, soon you will walk down the street and hear strange sounds coming from some model. While we may see this as a fun feature for Tesla owners and bystanders, it's also easy to assume that the Boombox will quickly become annoying or distracting to pedestrians, cyclists, and other drivers.

To take full advantage of the Boombox mode, your Tesla must be a newer model equipped with an external speaker. It's also important to note that the Boombox feature comes with an on-screen warning "check local laws before using in public places". If you'd like to check out the update and hear all the new sound effects for yourself, the Tesla owners' online YouTube channel has a detailed step-by-step update guide you can check out below.

The boombox is located in the Toybox menu. infotainment system, which also houses many system games. One of them, including The Battle of Polytopia, Cat Quest and Solitaire, the latter of which some Tesla owners have reported can be used while the vehicle is in motion (presumably for the benefit of the passenger).




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