Mating habits of birds. How does the bird world portend spring?
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Mating habits of birds. How does the bird world portend spring?

Spring is fast approaching, although it hasn't gone too far this year yet. We've had a really warm winter, which means we could already see some signs of spring, like new plant shoots and little buds on the bushes, in February. The most popular heralds of spring are, of course, the mating habits of birds in the spring. So, let's look around and follow the progress of the birds.


The symbol of spring, i.e. the stork

The stork is one of the most beloved birds in our country. Storks like other big storks birds of the marsh family, leave for wintering in warm countries and return to our region for warm months. It has long been associated with spring, as most specimens appear in Poland from March to May. However, the first scout storks may appear as early as February.

These birds have a long way to go, as the travel distance of a stork can be up to 10 kilometers. Upon arrival, the couples meet and raise the offspring, which, together with their parents, sets off on a journey south according to the signs of the end of summer. In Poland, the stork is the hero of many folk proverbs and beliefs, for example, that "where storks settle, there is a happy home and good harvests." Most of the inhabitants of villages and small towns greet him and prepare a nesting site. On the Internet, we can also find live camera feeds that provide a preview of the nest.

Winged mating

Spring is the time when nature awakens and brings new life into the world. Long live spring love! At this time, the birds begin their mating periodsthe course of which can be extremely interesting. In the world of birds, men have to prove themselves in order to get a partner - the color of females is usually monophonic and opaque, and males outdo each other with plumage colors to seem as attractive as possible. Their appearance should feel like "me, me, pick me"!

During the courtship period, the normally colored plumage of the male becomes more brilliant and more intense. This spring dress is demonstratively presented to a potential candidate. Finches, bullfinches or bullfinches proudly stick out their chests and present colorful bellies. On the other hand, in some species, such as the black-headed gull, additional color elements appear, such as black coloration on the head. However, everyone knows that courtship is not only appearance. Bird sisters seduce their chosen ones with singing, dancing, bizarre flights or even gifts. The little robin, returning from wintering, sings all day to lure the robin. In addition to singing, they have another important job - to kick each other out of the territories in order not to give competitors a chance.

In spring, you can hear many bird sounds, and they are very different. If we go to the forest, park or water, we have a chance to hear the words of the nightingale, corncrake, larks sing all flirtatious songs. Interestingly, some species make mating sounds that do not come from the vocal cords at all. The woodpecker drums with a well-resonant limb, and the snipe uses the vibrations of the brakes in its tail to make love sounds.

In addition to vocal calls, birds also use movement to get the attention of an attractive mate. Thus, real love spectacles take place next to us. And now the cranes perform a mating dance, accompanied by bows with outstretched wings. Crows and larks show off their spectacular transitions, and the male black grouse circles in front of the chosen one and makes encouraging jumps, combined with specific sounds. The male bird often has to fight with other members of his species for the favor of his chosen one.

They deserve special attention mating habits of penguins. Mr. Penguin flirtatiously throws a pebble at the feet of his beloved. Acceptance of a gift signifies mutual interest. Isn't that cute?

The breeding season for birds

While winter is the time when everyone strives to find food, shelter and survive, spring is the time when birds go about their business and take care of them. However, as happens in nature, there is more than romance in this desire to expand the species, and the goal is clear - to start a family and raise chicks. Spring bird toki it's a lot of effort, emotion and hard work. Summer is the time for bearing and caring for offspring. Then family life is in full swing. However, there are stories of great love, such as pairs of storks. Klepetana and Maleni – Croatian storks that have lived together for over 15 years!

It's no secret that there are homosexual couples among some species. Such an example could be penguins or ... bullfinches. These small, sociable birds sometimes form same-sex pairs when young, but in their case, these are most often fleeting hobbies that pass with the onset of autumn.

You can read about the mating habits of animals of other species, including the famous pair of storks in love, in the article "The love life of animals." If you want to start your adventure by observing the habits of other birds, we recommend the article "Birdwatching, or how to start birdwatching?"».

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