Be visible on the road
Security Systems

Be visible on the road

After May 1, we will also run traffic lights during the day all year round.

From March 1, it is possible to drive during the day without dipped headlights. According to the police, it is still worth using them for security purposes. Especially outside the city.

Winter is not over yet, and road conditions can change by the hour. In addition, from October 1 until the end of February, we drove with headlights on, we are used to seeing them on the road,” says Senior Sergeant Henryk Szuba, head of traffic at the district police department in Kwidzyn.

At the end of the driving season, drivers react differently.

– Since the beginning of March, I can’t get used to the lack of traffic lights on the road. I'm literally stupid behind the wheel, because some of them turn on, others don't. In some countries of Western Europe it is better: there the headlights must be driven all year round, says Bogdan K.

The rules of the road stipulate that you must turn on the lights in adverse conditions. Which ones?

“There is nothing worse than an inexact law. True, in changing road conditions, cars with headlights on are better visible to others. However, some drivers say it wears out the bulbs and electrical systems of the car unnecessarily. Costs are costs, but the most important thing is the safety of all road users, - says H. Shuba.

The police could only punish for the failure of the light from dawn to dusk until the last day of February.

- I think that these issues will be changed by an amendment to the law after our country joins the European Union. In some EU countries traffic with traffic lights is mandatory throughout the year. Here, the police remind you that from March 1 to October 1, you need to turn them on in conditions of limited visibility, for example, in fog. Unofficially, I know that the Ministry of Infrastructure has already prepared a draft amendment to the SDA. It seems that after May 1, we will also drive traffic lights during the day all year round,” adds the head of the traffic police.

From May 1, speed in populated areas will also be limited to 50 km/h. Currently, in cities and towns, you can move at a speed of 60 km / h.

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