cetane number. What does it mean and how to raise it?
Liquids for Auto

cetane number. What does it mean and how to raise it?

What is a cetane number?

One of the main criteria for high-quality diesel fuel is its resistance to self-ignition. It is this parameter that is described using the cetane number. In more detail, the cetane number of diesel fuel characterizes the time interval for which the liquid enters the cylinder before it ignites. The higher the cetane number, the less time it takes to ignite. Accordingly, the faster the engine starts and the less time it takes for the so-called "white smoke".

cetane number. What does it mean and how to raise it?

Do not forget that a high cetane number parameter affects the acceleration of the functioning of the power unit of the car and makes it an order of magnitude more powerful.

Why know the cetane number?

Knowing the parameter of the cetane number, it is possible to determine the degree of environmental friendliness of the fuel, because the hydrocarbon composition affects the ability of a liquid to self-ignite.

For example, paraffin-containing compounds are more flammable than aromatic hydrocarbons. Accordingly, the less aromatic hydrocarbons in the fuel composition, the higher the cetane number parameter will be.

If the considered number in diesel fuel is less than 40, then the car's engine will operate at the limit of its capabilities. Very often, in such a hard mode, a dull knock appears at idle, and there is also a faster wear of all parts of the mechanism.

cetane number. What does it mean and how to raise it?

What standards are accepted in the EU countries, and what in Russia?

A high cetane number is not an indicator of the highest quality fuel. The optimum value is in the range from 50 to 60. These values ​​are typical for the fuel that is recommended for vehicles with a Euro 5 engine.

If the value of the cetane number goes beyond the indicated range in a large direction, then the fuel can be called "oversaturated". That is, each subsequent increase in the parameter will not make sense.

According to the requirements of domestic GOSTs, the cetane number must be at least 45. This limit is the lowest permissible value. According to EU standards, the lower threshold is at around 48.

cetane number. What does it mean and how to raise it?

How can I increase my cetane number?

Of course, the quality of a diesel is influenced not only by the cetane number. The problem of improving the quality of diesel fuel remains one of the most urgent for motorists. It's no secret that most of the country's oil refineries are trying to produce fuels with a cetane number at the lower permissible standard.

To increase the cetane number, it is necessary to use special cetane correctors that can compensate for the missing elements.

Products of this kind affect the improvement of the flammability of the fuel, while ensuring a painless engine start even in negative temperatures. In addition, additives affect engine operation, making it smoother, and also reduce exhaust emissions and reduce engine noise.

Diesel fuel quality parameters

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