Frequently Asked Questions About Gearbox Flushing | Chapel Hill Sheena

Frequently Asked Questions About Gearbox Flushing | Chapel Hill Sheena

What is a transmission fluid flush?

Replacing your car's transmission is expensive and essential to its function, health and longevity. Flushing the gearbox is an economical way to keep this element of your car. Here's everything you need to know about gear flushing:

Do I need a transmission fluid flush?

Your transmission depends on transmission fluid to keep parts of the system running smoothly. Over time, this fluid wears out, depletes, and fills with contaminants. This can result in damage to or failure of your transmission and the systems that depend on it. A transmission fluid flush removes the old, inefficient fluid and components contained in it and replaces them with fresh, high quality transmission fluid. A transmission flush eliminates the common risks an ineffective fluid poses to your vehicle and helps keep your vehicle healthy. If you are still not sure if you need a transmission flush, ask a specialist for professional advice.

Benefits of flushing the gearbox depending on engine temperature

The exact components of the transmission vary by vehicle, but often the transmission fluid also has a cooling effect on this element of your engine. Heat is one of the main causes of transmission deterioration and failure. Flushing the transmission can prevent the transmission from overheating by keeping it properly cooled. This service can reduce the overall load on your vehicle and keep it running longer. 

When should I get a transmission flush?

Ultimately, the timing of your transmission fluid service depends on the type of vehicle you have and how you use it. For many vehicles, transmission fluid service is required every 30,000 miles. Refer to the owner's manual or online resources for your specific make and model for transmission maintenance recommendations. If you're still unsure, check with a specialist to see if they think you may need to flush your transmission fluid. 

Flushing or changing transmission fluid?

A transmission fluid change is when you remove the fluid from the oil pan and replace it with a clean version. This service is less efficient than flushing, as less than half of the old fluid is often removed and replaced. The remaining old fluid outside the sump will mix with the new transmission fluid. A transmission flush removes all the old fluid and replaces it with a clean version. Burnt fluid can cause your transmission to fail, so a full flush is necessary to eliminate this risk.

Can I change transmission fluid at home?

Performing a transmission fluid flush requires special equipment that you often don't have access to at home. Changing the transmission fluid at home is possible, but carries some risk. There are several myths that changing transmission fluid can lead to poor transmission performance. This happens when burnt fluid that has been overused causes your transmission to lock up. A professional can spot the signs of this problem and perform the proper checks and procedures necessary to protect your vehicle. A top-notch mechanic will also have a service guarantee that will protect you from repair costs in the event of a problem. Thus, by entrusting a fluid change or flush to a professional, you save yourself the mess, hassle, and risk that something dangerous might happen. 

Gear flush cost

Most automatic transmission breakdowns are due to low-quality fluid. A fair priced transmission flush usually costs around $220, which is nothing compared to the $4,000-8,000 a new transmission typically costs. Also, you can find coupon for transmission flushing to help you reduce costs. By keeping the transmission, you can save thousands of dollars in repair and replacement costs in the long run. 

Where can I get a transmission fluid flush?

Chapel Hill Tire specialists are ready to offer inexpensive professional transmission flushing products. You can find Chapel Hill Tire stores in Raleigh, Chapel Hill, Durham and Carrborough. With eight available locations in and around the North Carolina Triangle, Chapel Hill Tire offers affordable, affordable transmission flushing for North Carolina residents. Contact our mechanics to schedule a transmission flush today!

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