Throttle body cleaning - step by step instructions. Check out how to clean your throttle body!
Machine operation

Throttle body cleaning - step by step instructions. Check out how to clean your throttle body!

Causes of a dirty throttle valve

The first reason the throttle body collects dirt has to do with its location and role in the vehicle. As we mentioned in the introduction, it is located next to the engine. Due to the fact that its task is to pass air, it is constantly exposed to transporting external dirt, which can cause valve failure. This will be due to another damaged or dirty element - the air filter. Dirt gets into the throttle valve and on the other side from the engine. This is primarily exhaust gases, oil or soot (soot).

How does a dirty throttle affect a car?

Dirt accumulating on the throttle body negatively affects the operation of the car. First of all, it blocks the free opening and closing of its damper, as a result of which the engine starts to work unevenly. Air is supplied chaotically, usually in too small an amount in relation to the needs of the engine. This one is starting to get worse. After a while, he gets a more substantial dose of air, which causes him to speed up - and slow down again.

The repeatability of this process is associated with a constant, moreover uneven increase in power, which in turn means higher fuel consumption. Sudden drops in engine power at low speeds cause the engine to stall and choke when the accelerator pedal is depressed. Therefore, regular cleaning of the throttle body is extremely important in terms of maintenance. car in perfect condition.

Throttle valve cleaning - step by step instructions. Check out how to clean your throttle body!

How and how to clean the throttle yourself? Remember the filter!

Of course, you can go to the workshop with an order. However, if you like to take care of your car yourself, you can definitely do a throttle body cleaning. So how and with what to clean the throttle? This process is described below in a few simple steps.

  • Get a microfiber cloth or soft-bristled brush and throttle body cleaner ready. You will find it online or at auto stores under the name "carburetor and throttle cleaner". The cost of such a product ranges from 10 to 4 euros on average. An alternative solution could be extraction naphtha, which also has cleaning and degreasing properties.
  • Locate the throttle body - it is located between the intake manifold and the air filter on the engine. It can be in a vertical or horizontal position, depending on the direction of air intake into the engine. Usually it is mounted in a plastic case and has the shape of a cylinder (inside), it is distinguished by a characteristic damper.
  • Carefully dismantle the filter housing and air supply pipes.
  • Disconnect the wire of the stepper motor (throttle element).
  • Remove throttle body.
  • Start cleaning according to the manufacturer's instructions for the product you purchased. Most often, it should be applied to a dirty place, left for a few or several tens of seconds, and then wipe the surface with a rag or brush. Repeat the procedure until all dirt has been removed. Cosmetic sticks can also come in handy, which will get to all hard-to-reach places. The alternative mentioned is extraction naphtha, which should be handled in the same way.

Throttle body cleaning without disassembly - is it possible?

It may not be necessary to remove the throttle body from the vehicle. It all depends on the degree of pollution. Assuming the element is serviced regularly by the user and does not build up a thick layer of deposits, cleaning the throttle without dismantling should be no problem. Then it is enough to remove the air supply pipe and the filter housing. However, special attention should be paid to the thoroughness of cleaning. Visibility will be slightly worse than with the element removed. 

However, if the throttle body is being washed for the first time in a very long time or is being cleaned due to an existing problem with the vehicle, it may need to be disconnected.

Throttle valve cleaning - step by step instructions. Check out how to clean your throttle body!

Should I regularly clean the throttle body in the engine? Check how often to do it

Cleaning, of course, should be carried out regularly and preventively. Reminding yourself of this need only at the time of difficult engine operation can lead to failure of one of the elements of the intake system. What frequency will be the safest? It is difficult to give an unambiguous answer to this question. It all depends on how often the car is used. It is worth checking the level of pollution every tens of thousands of kilometers.

Cleaning the throttle body does not take much time. It is also very simple, so everyone should master it, regardless of the level of knowledge of auto mechanics. Repeat this regularly to keep the motor and sensors running smoothly for as long as possible.

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