Chromecast - who needs it and how does it work?
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Chromecast - who needs it and how does it work?

From a luxury item, smart TVs have become standard equipment in Polish homes. However, having a full-featured model that lacks such functionality, we can still enjoy Netflix or YouTube on the big screen. How is this possible? A little mysterious device that is taking the market by storm: Google Chromecast comes to the rescue.

Chromecast - what is it and why?

chromecast an inconspicuous electronic device from Google that impresses with its capabilities. It looks like a flash drive of an unusual shape, with the difference that it has an HDMI plug instead of USB. Its fame is best evidenced by its sales numbers: since its premiere in the US in 2013, more than 20 million copies have been sold worldwide!

What is a Chromecast? It is a kind of multimedia player for audio-visual transmission through the use of Wi-Fi network, which is a wireless connection between equipment A and equipment B. It allows you to transfer image and sound from a laptop, PC or smartphone to any device to play them. equipped with an HDMI connector. Thus, signals can be transmitted not only to the TV, but also to the projector or monitor.

How does Chromecast work?

This device requires a Wi-Fi connection. After connecting to a TV and setting up on it chromecast (the process is very simple, and the gadget guides the user through it, displaying relevant information on the TV screen), it allows streaming:

  • Image from tabs from Chrome browser,
  • video with YouTube, Google Play, Netflix, HDI GO, Ipla, Player, Amazon Prime,
  • music from google play,
  • selected mobile applications,
  • smartphone desktop.

chromecast just connect to a TV, monitor or projector using the HDMI connector and to a power source via Micro-USB (also to a TV or power supply). The device can either stream media via the cloud on a regular basis, or play the movie or music installed in the player on your phone or computer on its own. The latter option is extremely convenient for smartphones - YouTube in the standard version does not work on them in the background. If the user has "scheduled" a specific YouTube video to be downloaded to the TV, then Chromecast will be responsible for downloading from the network.not a smartphone. Thus, you can block the phone by giving the device a command.

Does Chromecast restrict background work?

This question is best answered with an example. The computer user is an active blogger, and when writing new content, likes to watch series to get some air or inspiration from the plot. In such a situation, he has to look at what is now being broadcast on television. However, it can expand the range of content you watch to include light series on Netflix. How? With Chromecast, of course!

Through Chromecast, the image is broadcast to the TV without interruption. When the user minimizes the Netflix card or application on the computer, they will not disappear from the TV. The Google gadget does not work as a remote desktop, but only transmits certain content. So the user can turn off the sound on the computer and write an article while the series is shown on the TV without interruption.

This solution will also be appreciated by lovers of quality music. Unfortunately, a smartphone or laptop cannot always guarantee this - and if it does, it is not too loud. Using Chromecast, the user can conveniently shop online and at the same time enjoy their favorite tunes played on the stereo system connected to the TV.

Is Chromecast compatible with mobile devices?

The device transmits materials not only from a laptop or PC, but also from a tablet or smartphone. However, a prerequisite for connection is the operation of the appropriate operating system - Android or iOS. Thanks to Chromecast, you can play a movie or music from Google Play, YouTube or Netflix on the big screen without eye fatigue and, above all, without loss of picture quality.

Interestingly, the gadget is convenient not only for watching movies, TV shows or music videos. It can also turn your smartphone into a mobile game controller! Many gaming apps allow Chromecast to be cast, allowing the game to be displayed on the TV while the user plays on the smartphone as if it were a console. In the case of Android 4.4.2 and newer versions, the device supports any application without exceptions and even the desktop itself; you can even read SMS on TV. Furthermore, some games are designed to be played with Chromecast. Poker Cast and Texas Holdem Poker are extremely interesting items in which each player sees only his cards and chips on his smartphone, and the table on the TV.

What other features does Chromecast offer?

Watching TV shows and movies, listening to music or playing mobile games are not the only conveniences that this unusual Google gadget brings. The manufacturer did not forget about the fans of virtual reality! If you want to cast the image that the user of the VR glasses sees to a TV, monitor, or projector, all you have to do is use a Chromecast, compatible glasses, and a dedicated app.

Which Chromecast to choose?

The device has been on the market for several years, so there are different models available. It's worth checking the differences between specific generations so you can choose the perfect device for your individual needs. Google presents at the moment:

  • chromecast 1 - the first model (released in 2013) is confusingly similar to a flash drive. We only mention this "historically" as the device is no longer available in the official distribution. The single is not and will not be adapted to current audio and video standards and new applications,
  • chromecast 2 - model of 2015, the design of which has become the standard of the form of the device. It is also no longer available for official sale. It differs from its predecessor not only in appearance, but also in power. It comes with stronger Wi-Fi antennas and improved software. It allows you to stream in 720p quality,
  • chromecast 3 – Model 2018, available for official sale. It provides smooth image streaming in Full HD quality at 60 frames per second,
  • Ultra Chromecast – This 2018 model impresses from the outset with its extremely slim design. It is designed for owners of TVs that display a 4K image - it can broadcast in Ultra HD and HDR quality.
  • Chromecast Audio – Chromecast 2 variant; It also premiered in 2015. It only allows audio to be streamed to audio devices without image streaming.

Each of the Google Chromecast models connects via HDMI. and is compatible with Android and iOS. This is an extremely useful and inexpensive device that works in many situations and, above all, does not require the installation of meters of cables.

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