What to do if you spill brake fluid on your car's paint?

What to do if you spill brake fluid on your car's paint?

In as little as five minutes, brake fluid can ruin a vehicle's paintwork and cause permanent paint damage. If you spill liquid on paint, wipe it up quickly to avoid more serious damage.

Brake fluid is a very important fluid, you should always monitor its level and change if necessary. However, when handling it, you need to be very careful, as if it falls, it can damage the paint.

So if you're going to change the fluid, be sure to prepare for a quick cleanup in case you accidentally spill brake fluid on your car.

How does brake fluid affect your car's paint?

This is due to the chemical composition of each type of brake fluid. This fluid contains glycol; These molecules have a dual action, which makes the brake fluid effective on the linings. The chemical reaction of glycol on car paint acts like a harsh solvent.

If you drop brake fluid on the paint and let it soak in, the fluid will begin to destroy the coating layer. Serious damage is associated with leakage of brake fluid through the paint and exposure of the metal of the car body.

What to do if you spill brake fluid on your car's paint?

If the brake fluid clears immediately, chances are your car has no problem. However, getting on the paint, the liquid can quickly damage it. 

If your car is a late model, has a quality paint job and has been waxed recently, simply wipe off the brake fluid to prevent damage. 

Here we tell you how you should clean your brake fluid.

1.- Dry the liquid

Paper towel to soak up as much brake fluid as possible. Avoid scrubbing, this will only spread the fluid and widen the affected area. Lay a towel over the stain and press lightly to dry it.

2.- Clean the affected area 

Clean the area where the brake fluid has entered as soon as possible. Car wash detergent is best for washing your car, but in this emergency, take whatever soap you have on hand and wash it off with a clean, damp rag or sponge.

3.- Rinse the car well

Finally, rinse the affected area well with plenty of water. This will help neutralize the brake fluid and stop its corrosive effects.


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