What does the tailgate warning light mean?
Auto repair

What does the tailgate warning light mean?

The trunk open indicator indicates that the trunk is not closed properly. If you cannot close it, the latch may need to be fixed.

Many of us keep some pretty important items in the trunk of our car. From sound systems to clothing and furniture, losing something from the trunk while driving would be a real challenge. To prevent this from ever happening, automakers have installed an indicator on the dashboard that warns you if the trunk is not fully closed. Like the doors and hood, the trunk latch has a switch so the computer can tell if the trunk is closed or not.

What does the trunk open indicator mean?

Depending on the type of your vehicle, the trunk open indicator may be linked to the door open indicators or may be separate. In any case, if this indicator is on, you should double-check that the trunk is fully closed. As soon as the trunk is secured, the light should go out. If it doesn't turn off by itself, the switch may be broken or defective. Dirt and debris can enter the latch and prevent the latch from opening and closing. Replace the switch or clean the latch and everything should be back to normal.

Is it safe to drive with the open trunk light on?

In addition to objects falling onto the road from your trunk, opening it can let in unwanted exhaust fumes or even reduce visibility behind you. Always double check and make sure the trunk is fully secured if you notice the light coming on while driving.

If the trunk open indicator does not turn off, our certified technicians can help you identify the problem.

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