What are DataDots and how do they protect your car in case of theft?

What are DataDots and how do they protect your car in case of theft?

DataDots is a device that contains your information and identifies you as the owner of the vehicle in the event of a theft. Said device is not in the field of view and can only be observed with a 50x magnifying glass.

Almost, especially if you just bought it. That's why many dealerships across the country sell an anti-theft device called DataDots, which is a unique way to keep track of your car. But what is DataDots? Are they worth it?

What is DataDots?

According to the website, “DataDots are unique identification numbers encoded on a polyester substrate to form microdots that act like DNA. Each microdot is approximately one millimeter in size and can be sprayed or brushed onto an object." Are you already confused?

Don't worry, the idea of ​​DataDots is confusing until you see the "polyester backing" itself. It is essentially a transparent, glue-like substance with thousands of tiny "dots". When you buy a car from a dealer, the finance manager may try to sell it to you. And if you buy one, the dealer or service technician will apply this clear substance to the doorframes, hood, trunk lid, and other body panels of the car you just bought.

What's the point? big question

The essence of DataDots is that each of the tiny microscopic dots contains your contact information, which is registered in the international DataDots database. If your expensive car is stolen, law enforcement can access this database and identify you as the registered owner and then return your property to you. Ideally in one piece.

How do police identify DataDots?

The DataDot backing must be read under a 50x magnifying glass in order to extract the information and return the vehicle to you. You can also apply DataDot technology to items in your home in the event of a break-in.

Are DataDots effective when it comes to car theft prevention?

Not really. We say this because DataDots provides you with a sticker that says your vehicle is equipped with DataDots, which in turn "should" deter thieves. But we know how it is. If someone really needs your car, even an emergency alarm or steering wheel lock will not stop them.

Ideally, DataDots technology works like LoJack, helping you identify your property after it has been stolen. So they are effective passively, not as actively.

Is DataDots Really Worth It?

Not at the price the dealers sell them for. There are several posts on the car forum from owners who have been sold DataDots when purchasing a car. Many reports say that dealers charge around $350 for DataDots, which is a significant amount of money for such a simple item of identification.

Ultimately, we cannot call DataDots a scam as they are truly effective for their intended purpose. Additionally, according to the DataDots website, "More than 80% of the time, thieves leave after realizing that DataDots identifies the vehicle."

In this case, it's up to you if you want to buy DataDots the next time you buy a car. They may work, but be sure to ask for a discount.



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