What is a combustible gas detector?
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What is a combustible gas detector?

Combustible gas detectors are portable, hand-held instruments used to diagnose and detect gas leaks.
What is a combustible gas detector?A combustible gas is any gas that can explode. For more information, see: {{widget type="cms/widget_page_link" title="Wonka Donka's Flammable Gas Lesson" template="cms/widget/link/link_inline.phtml" page_id="3859"}}.
What is a combustible gas detector?These gas detectors can be used for professional and domestic purposes.
What is a combustible gas detector?Gas detectors are electrical devices and their portability means they are battery powered. Disposable household batteries are commonly used, the most common being PP3 (9V), AA or C.
What is a combustible gas detector?Along with the combustible gas detectors considered in this project, there are other gas detectors available for various types of gas detection, as well as fixed combustible gas detectors for use in certain industries such as marine and energy companies.

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