What is a mason's chisel?
Repair tool

What is a mason's chisel?

The mason's chisel is designed to work with materials such as stone.

Sometimes a chisel with wider cutting edges may be referred to as a "mason's bolster".

What is a swinging chisel?

What is a mason's chisel?A pitching chisel is a type of stone chisel with a shorter edge.

What other types of mason's chisel are there?

What is a mason's chisel?There are many other chisels used in masonry, especially in sculpting and shaping. These include: round-nose chisel, fishtail chisel, and claw chisel (sometimes called a tooth).

How to use a mason's chisel:

What is a mason's chisel?

Step 1 - Mark the lines

Mark two parallel lines on each side of the material being cut..

What is a mason's chisel?

Step 2 - Create a Channel

Using these lines as a guide, create a deep pointed (V) channel.

What is a mason's chisel?This will weaken the structure.



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