What are ergonomic shovels?
Repair tool

What are ergonomic shovels?

If you've read our section on ergonomic snow shovels, you know how different they can be.

The most important aspect of ergonomics is meeting the requirements of the job for you, the user.

What are ergonomic shovels?The demands of a job like shoveling will involve constantly bending over and lifting weights.

The most likely site of pain or injury will be the lower back.

What are ergonomic shovels?Therefore, an ergonomic shovel should be suitable not only for you, but also for the task for which it is intended.

A good ergonomic shovel will focus on the handle, eliminating the need to flex too much. Look for a shovel with one of the following features:

  • Extendable/adjustable shaft
  • Angle (or bend) along the length
  • The second grip of the handle in the middle of the shaft

Extendable/adjustable shaft

What are ergonomic shovels?This is not only perfect for those who are tall or short, but will also allow all users to customize the shovel to suit their height and task.

A sufficiently long shaft will save you from having to bend over repeatedly, for example, when digging snow, thereby reducing the load on the lower back.

The shaft of the telescopic shovel consists of parts that slide into each other, which allows you to lengthen and shorten.

Shaft angle (or bend)

What are ergonomic shovels?The worms of some shovels are angular or have a two-thirds of their length bent along their length.

This will reduce the stress on the spine when the loaded shovel is off the ground as the user tends to stay in a more upright position.

Curved and straight handle

What are ergonomic shovels?If the ergonomic "curved" rod has so many more advantages over its "straight" counterpart, why hasn't it made the traditional rod obsolete?

This is because we are not all built the same. While one person finds it easier to lift a "bent" shovel, it may seem the opposite to another.

In addition, most ergonomic shovels are designed to lift and remove snow.

For example, precision digging requires a straight shaft shovel.

Second handle grip

What are ergonomic shovels?To eliminate any difficulty in lifting a curved shaft shovel, some ergonomic shovels have an additional handle on the shaft to provide a second point of contact.

This type of shovel allows any weight to be evenly balanced in front of your body with both hands, making it easier to lift a loaded shovel, improving your posture and reducing back pain and potential injury.

Other features of ergonomic shovels include:

What are ergonomic shovels?

Soft, angled and roomy handles

They will provide the best possible grip and comfort while reducing stress on the hands and wrists.

Look for prosthetic fingers for added comfort.

All these additional features help reduce hand and wrist fatigue.

What are ergonomic shovels?

Suitable material

For a person with a smaller build or with back and joint problems, the material used to make the shovel should be light enough to be lifted without strain.

What are ergonomic shovels?The plastic blade is light enough to be lifted, yet able to withstand heavy loads.

While prone to wear, the benefits of using lightweight plastic far outweigh the durability of steel, which can be heavy and tiring to use.

What are ergonomic shovels?A quality wooden or fiberglass shaft, rather than heavy steel, is another factor to consider.

Lightweight and able to absorb shocks and vibrations, both are ideal materials for reducing body stress and fatigue.

What are ergonomic shovels?Whatever your needs, it's worth looking for the right shovel.

If your budget allows you to buy different shovels for different tasks, make sure you shop wisely.

However, if one utility shovel is enough, make sure you are comfortable using it.

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