What is flexible magnetic tape?
Repair tool

What is flexible magnetic tape?

Flexible magnetic tape consists of a long, thin strip of magnetized rubber. Flexible magnetic tape can be supplied with or without adhesive on one side, allowing it to be attached to both ferromagnetic and non-magnetic surfaces.
What is flexible magnetic tape?Flexible magnetic tape is very similar to flexible magnetic sheet, the only difference is that the tape is narrower. A flexible magnet is considered flexible magnetic tape if it is less than 76.2 mm (3 inches) wide.
What is flexible magnetic tape?Flexible magnetic tape can be used to attach fabric to a metal frame for display, labeling, sealing a shower door, or temporarily attaching seasonal decorations to a metal wall.
What is flexible magnetic tape?The section of magnetic tape that is cut off is called the magnetic stripe.
What is flexible magnetic tape?

Flexible dispensers with magnetic tape

What is flexible magnetic tape?Tape dispensers are available for 12.7 mm (0.5 inch) tape width and allow tape to be cut to any desired length.

A magnetic tape dispenser is especially useful for arts and crafts when you only need a small piece at any given time, such as if you're creating a photo fridge magnet.

What is flexible magnetic tape?To use, pull out the flexible tape until you reach the desired length, then pull the tape over the prongs on the edge of the tape dispenser to cut it.



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